The diary

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With Tsuna up and about fairly early for a Saturday he wasn't sure what he should do. Just as he was about to give up and go for a walk his mother caught him at the door and shoved a shopping list into his hands, asking him to pick up a few things as he's out. He took the list, grateful for something to do, and headed out the door towards town.

Tsuna had gone through the town many times to get things for his mother so it was no problem finding everything he needed. He checked his watch and smiled to himself. It was still quite early so he decided to take a walk around before buying the food and heading back. The sun felt nice, it was really a good day to be outside.

He made it to a little corner shop for a quick mid-day snack and paused to check his money. Suddenly he got bumped from the side straight into someone else. A strong grip held him and Tsuna stared up into strangely mismatched eyes which looked at him with a mishchevious glint.

"Oya, what do we have here?" The man held Tsuna out at arms length in front of him and a half-smile slid across his features. "If it isn't Tsuna-kun, I didn't expect to see you today what a pleasant surprise."

Tsuna stared at the man with a blank expression. He had no idea who this was...but this man definitely knew him. Of course, another one...but this time they weren't from his school. Was there a reason that this older man was missing from his memories as well? He didn't look like the kind of person Tsuna would consider a friend...

"Uh...well...I uh..." Tsuna had no clue what to say to was kind of hard to think of anything, he was definitely strange from his odd colored eyes to his pineapple shaped hair.

"Oh? Are you playing dumb? It doesn't suit you." His smirk wasn't as friendly and something flashed in those eyes of his. Tsuna could only stare like an idiot, rooted to the spot by the man's firm grip. How was he going to get out of this one? Suddenly he was released and the man placed a contemplative hand under his chin. Something seemed to click and he was no longer amused like before. Now he just looked a tad miffed. Before Tsuna could say a word the man was gone in what looked to be a flash of smoke. Was he some kind of magician?

He just couldn't go a day without something happening.

Another person to add to his ever-growing list but for this person he had no clue as to why he was even a part of it in the first place. He didn't look like someone from around, the outfit he had been wearing was not that of a highschool student. The more he tried to make sense of it the more confused he became so he decided to drop it. Grabbing himself a quick bite to eat Tsuna made his way back around town gathering the groceries for his mother.

- - -

Once home he set the groceries on the counter and gave a tired sigh. Leaning against the counter he heard obnoxious laughter and saw the little boy from before running through the hall and into the kitchen.

"Baka-Tsuna is back!" He hopped up into a chair and banged on the table. "Did you bring me candies?"

Tsuna was a little baffled at the nickname he was given but never the less answered the kid.

"Sorry, mom didn't put that on the list for this time. I'll make sure to get you some when I go out again." Tsuna watched as the kid started to throw a tantrum and sighed. Are all children this annoying?

"Mom told me you're staying over for a while, you're the neighbors kid right? Did your parents have to go somewhere?"

The kid stopped his tantrum and puffed out his chest, uttering a loud laugh.

"Lambo-san is the greatest hitman in all of Italy! Lambo-san stays here because he has to protect Maman from the bad people!" For a small kid, the guy's quite outspoken. Was he telling the truth about being from Italy? If he was then that's not exactly their neighbor...

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