Tsuna's memory

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He's dreaming. 

Tsuna knows this due to the weird black void he's currently floating in. It has an eerie feeling to it, like someone's watching him but there's no one to be seen. 

"H..Hello?" Tsuna timidly calls out as if to find the source of the ominous staring he's being subjected to. On second thought maybe it would be better if they didn't know where he was...

Before he starts really having a freak out Tsuna hears the sound of...flames? Yeah like..a crackling fire place. He turns, or really glides around to face the source of the sound coming face to face with his predecessor, Vongonla 1st. 

"Giotto..." The first boss gives him a smile and pats him on the head. 

"How have you been Tsunayoshi-kun? It's been awhile since I've seen you last." Giotto is the same as always, his cape lightly rustling as if there was a breeze, his bright orange flames flickering on his forehead and hands. 

"I've been doing well I think. School has been alright, everyone seems happy." Tsuna gives a sheepish smile. Really he was still struggling with school but he wasn't going to tell on himself. Other than that things really were going alright. The battles were over, and school life had returned. Most of it still seemed like a dream to all of them. It was a little hard getting used to again. 

"And have you decided yet?" Giotto's eyes narrow as he traps Tsuna's gaze with is own. Tsuna blanked for a moment. Decided? Decided about what? Giotto could sense the confusion and placed both hands on Tsuna's shoulders. 

"Have you decided on suceeding the Vongola family or not? Becoming the Tenth generation boss?" 

So that's why he was appearing to him now of all times. Tsuna felt his throat grow tight. He always grew anxious and a little freightened when he was faced with this question. 

"I-I...I don't..." He wasn't able to get a coherent sentence out through the fear that grasped his chest. Being called the Tenth boss and all wasn't so bad. He had made many friends through Reborn and this miracle, hell he'd even saved multiple worlds from destruction. If that wasn't something to be proud of he didn't know what was and yet...

The thought of losing all of those people. All of the ones he loved and held dear to him all because he was a Mafia boss is what struck him to the core. They had fought countless times together, they'd proven how strong they can be as a family. But at the same time...his mind flashes back to the multiple times he'd seen his friends hurt and beaten all because of this. This stupid succession. 

Tsuna shakes his head and grits his teeth, hands clenching at his sides. 

"Is it worth it? Is becoming the tenth Vongola boss worth all that pain? All the suffering? I can't see my friends go through something like that. My family...they're not safe either. Becoming a boss seems hardly worth it at all." His voice trails off and he can't bring himself to look at Giotto. 

A silence falls between them, Tsuna can practically hear his heart trying to beat out of his chest. Had he said something wrong? Had he made Giotto angry? 

He feels a hand on his head and looks up in surprise to see Giotto smiling down at him. 

"Tsunayoshi-kun, you were chosen for a reason. All of the things you said were true, I won't deny that. But also remember. The power of becoming a Mafia boss has great risk, but it also has it's great advantages." Tsuna looks to him with confusion. What good could possibly come from being in the Mafia? All that killing and hatred...

Giotto draws back and crosses his arms. "Tsunayoshi I do not expect an answer right away. You still have time to decide your path. However I still feel the uncertainty within your heart and so I shall test you."

Test him? Tsuna feels a cold chill run down  his spine. He hoped beyond hope that it wasn't another one of those sucession tests with all of the first generation guardians. The first go around was hard enough. But to his surprise Giotto gives him an easy smile. 

"When you wake from this dream you will remember nothing. You won't remember that you are the Tenth Vongola boss. You will not remember your friends nor any of the battles you have been through so far. I'm doing this for a great purpose, Tsunayoshi-kun. You must see the other side of becoming a Mafia boss. There are two sides to every coin." 

Wait, hold on. This was happening too fast!

"...I won't remember anything?" Tsuna was begining to panic. What would everyone think? How was this going to help him in any way? Before he can say anything more his consiousness starts to fade. He sees the faint flicker of orange fire, and everything goes black. 

Tsuna's memoryWhere stories live. Discover now