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Just to let all of you guys know, this chapter is kind of gory, but please read it, this is VERY important for later on in the story. Thank you, please carry on :)


Mystery POV

Three months, three whole months. Not a scent, not a sight, not even a calling. How can she escape me this easily? It shouldn't be this hard. I should be able to find my mate without a problem. What if she's- no. She can't be. She is on this planet living, breathing, and waiting for me. Her gorgeous eyes, luscious hair, irresistible scent.

I quickly drop the creepy Cheshire cat grin that is on my face. I am on an important mission, I can't be arrested by police for being a stalker.

Alpha, my beta , Jason, calls through our pack mind link, any luck here?

I answer with a sigh and a muttered no. We should probably move out, she is obviously good at hiding. That last part came out as a growl. I don't like this game, I want my mate. Now. I could feel him shudder at my harsh tone. I honestly felt bad about, but I'm to preoccupied to care.

Y-yes Alpha. 

I stop running and quickly shift back to normal. We tie a little travel pack around our ankles to carry our clothes in, that way we don't have to worry about not having any. I throw my grey v-neck T-shirt on, along with my jeans and checkered converse. Jason, along with Evin, Craig, and Ray walk out from behind different tees already shifted and changed. 

"What's up, Leean? (pronounced lee-in)" Jason looks at me with a raised eyebrow. Jason and I were best friends growing up, we still are, so it doesn't really bother me that much that he speaks to me like that.

"We should stop somewhere and eat. If we want to keep running like this," I gesture to the five of us then continue, "We need to eat and rest." They nod in agreement and we start walking to the sound of society. 

The woods aren't that nice here, scarred, damaged, and burned. The soil is dry and gritty. The wildlife seems to be miles away from this area. Out of the trees, a brown wolf lunges out and throws its paws onto the human and they both roll into our path. Obviously a werewolf and a hunter. The hunter swiftly dodges the paw that swipes for his legs. The hunter leaps forward and misses the wolf by mere centimeters and lands with only a soft thud.

The wolf uses this to his advantage and slams the hunter to the ground. The wolf slashes at the hunters face leaving a long slash mark from the right temple to the jaw. Ready to clamp its jaws around the hunter's neck, the wolf pulls its head back. Big mistake. He should have paid more attention to his opponent. A silver dagger is slowly pulled upwards to the wolves forelegs. Two large cuts appear and blood spills out of the fresh wounds. A screech of pain reverberates from the wolf as it jumps backwards landing tenderly on its front legs.

The hunter jumps up and quickly kicks the wolf in the side of his temple. The wolf caught off guard, stumbles backwards and shakes its head to focus. The hunter dives behind a tree and pulls his bow and grabs an arrow and positions himself for firing. Once focused again, he swivels his head around searching for the hunter. He stiffens then suddenly jumps around to face the hunter with ears pinned back.

He lunges for the hunter but all he receives is bark beneath his claws. The arrow pointed at the wolf's head makes him cease to move. The bow lowers downward slightly and the hunter releases his grip. The arrow flys for a brief second before lodging itself in the wolfs ribs, penetrating the lung. Kick after kick, stab after stab, this hunter is very cruel in this art, he continues to pound on the wolves mangled body, even though he has ceased to struggle.

He kneels down and pulls out the knife already stuck in the wolf and stabs him in the sensitive part, where the stomach and back thigh connect. The pain on the wolf's face sends a queasy feeling through me. The hunter slices sloppily and deep. He connects the slice marks with more and rips the patch of flesh and fur off of the wolf and shoves it into his bag. For final riddance of this wolf, the hunter pours gasoline over it and around the area and quickly lights a match and tosses it. That poor man, he can't even shift back. The hunter scurries off just as the wolf erupts in flames and an explosion blasts all around the battle area. 

A wildfire takes place soon after, making it look natural. For miles this spreads. I shake my head to push off the uneasy feeling but I already start to dry heave.

"Hey are you okay?" I look up at my friends and realize I'm lying on the ground. "Vision again huh?" Jason was the first person to know about my visions. We don't know what they mean yet, but we know that they are important. I nod slowly and eventually after a minor dispute of whether I should get up or not, we finally troop out of the woods and head to a local cafe.



I know, I know, this chapter is really violent but please keep reading. This chapter is VERY important for later on. I cannot stress enough how important this is. Okay well thanks for reading, have a good day, I bid you good reading :)

The Arrow Flys By Day, The Wolf Runs By NightWhere stories live. Discover now