Chapter 3 Just Don't Look

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"Don't look behind you."


 "Because," Aria hissed at me. I let out a whimper and stayed silent. "- some guy is following us."

"What! Where?" I looked around frantically for anyone. Aria smacked my arm and hissed again

"What did I just tell you?!"

"Not to look?"

"Yes, now go into that store." She pointed at an upcoming store. I not sure what it said because well... I still can't read.

We flew out to the nearest town to go shopping since Aria didn't like the fact that 1) I've never been shopping and 2) I have no clothes what so ever. I really wasn't up for the idea and politely declined. Aria just... she just left. Just like that. I felt a little smug since I thought she wouldn't take no for an answer. Boy was I wrong on thinking I won.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~FLASH BACK~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"I kinda just want to stay here, Aria. I hate shopping." I told Aria, because I really did hate shopping.

"Okay, bye," she then hopped off my couch and went to the door without a second glance back. I stared at the door for a while, waiting for her to come back. She always put up a fight, huh. Weird. I shrugged the headed over to my nightstand to turn on my radio. Since I started living here, I have absolutely hated the silence. I can't even go to sleep without sound. I didn't know the song so I just started dancing randomly and blurting out random lyrics. I grabbed my hairbrush and hopped onto the couch and started shouting lyrics again. I got bored then flopped down onto the couch and started humming. I really am happy about being apart of this pack. They are always there for me and by my side. I frowned at the thought of that. I was alone, that never happens unless I'm asleep.

I sighed then let my eyes close a little bit. Just as sleep was settling on me my door slammed open revealing Jace in his worried state.

"Raina you have to come with me right now! We have a serious problem!" He screeched in my face. I bolted up and then ran around his flailing figure, I headed for the door and grabbed Jace's hand pulling him with me.

"What's wrong? Who got hurt?" I panicked not knowing what was going on. Was Aria hurt? Did she get kidnapped? This is all my fault, I just had to stay here. Wait, where was she going again? I frantically ran in a random direction and I was starting to hyperventilate. My breath grew shakier with each step I took. I felt as though I was flying. I felt.. amazing. Like I could do anything. The current situation slowly drifted away from my mind. A smile crept its way across my face, and a laugh escaped my lips. 

The wind whipped my hair around my face and my skin was warm dispite the fact of the cold wind on my face. My eyes grew sharper, I could make out every little detail. All the colors of the world I once knew grew richer and brighter. Colors I've never noticed before appeared and I was awed. Even the slightest movements were picked up, every bird, every leaf rustle, and even every animal that moved left a sound ringing in my ears. The woodsy scents flew into my nose as I sniffed the air. I could even put a scent to the wind. I laughed louder and harder. I have never felt like this before. Never so... free.

I continued to run even though their was a faint voice in the back of my head telling me to stop. I just shrugged it off and kept running. The voice came back again but this time stronger, and it snapped me out of my trance and back into reality. My stomach twisted and turned, making me drop to my knees in pain. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming. My head started to throb painfully and I bit my lit hard. Warmth spread throughout my mouth and the metallic taste ran down my throat.

"RAINA!! Are you okay?!" Jace kneeled down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head the looked up at him. A small gasp escaped Jace's mouth and shock was evident on his face. A frown formed on my face. I looked into his eyes for an answer, but when I looked I didn't see his eyes. No, I saw my reflection looking back at me. But that's not what scared me. It was the fact that my eyes glowed a neon green with flecks of navy blew. 

"Jace.. What's happening to... m-me?" I stuttered through the pain. He looked unsure of what to do. He just stared at me for awhile not moving, I guess he was talking through the pack mind link. Every now and then he would nod or sigh. He frowned then nodded again while grabbing my arm and pulling me up with him. I was about to take a step forward, but he picked me up and started carrying me bridal style. 

"We're going to go meet up with Aria, okay?" He looked down at me then started running. I nodded my head, thinking about what just happened. Then I realized something-

"Hey! Weren't we going to go save Aria from something in the first place?" He smirked but didn't say anything. I closed my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. My breathing slowed and I relaxed into his arms. My thoughts faded away and I fell asleep. 

I woke up with a ruff shove.  "AHH!! What the-" Aria stood above me with a smirk on her face and a mischievous glint in her eyes. "-Thanks Aria, just... thanks." I said in a flat voice. She gave me a bright smile. 

"Your welcome! Are you ready to go now?" I was severely confused. I raised an eyebrow at her, then looked around. I sighed. We were on a plane. So I was pretty much kidnapped.

"Shopping?" I asked her with the same flat voice.

"Yup!" she grabbed my hand then jumped up, dragging me with her. I am definitely going to have to get back at Jace for this later.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~END OF FLASHBACK~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Now back to our current situation, Aria pulled me into a rack of clothing. e peeked our heads around the rack and a person walked in. "Is that the person that was following us?" I look ed towards Aria. She shot me a glare to be quite, but she nodded a quick yes. I turned my attention back to the man. Wow. was he trying to be obvious or what, he wore a light trench coat in which his hands were in his pockets. He had on a hat that matched, and he hed on black sunglasses. Overall he looked very suspicious and shady. I took a closer look at him then let out a stifled gasp. It was the guy from the pool incident. The guy that almost kissed me to get air into my lungs.

I frowned then slowly started to stand up. This guy was a major creep, following around. Psh, who does he think he is? Aria tried pulling me back down but she threw her hands up in defense when she saw the glare I shot her. I stood up the rest of the way then started following behind him. He kept looking down isles, probably for me. He was so absorbed in searching, that he didn't relize I was right behind him. At the back of the store he sighed in exasperation and started to turn around. I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow. His eyebrows shot up on his forehead and he jumped back, clearly startled by my sudden appearance.

"Is there a reason you are following my friend and I around?" He looked around frantically, probably trying to find a way to escape me. He sighed when he relaxed he was trapped in a corner.

"I, um... Well you see- I was just," He started off in a cute British accent. I smiled inwardly to myself for making him nervous. He scratched the back of his neck and looked down refusing to make eye contact.

I smirked, "You were just..." I started trying to urge him on.

He looked up at me with narrowed eyes. "I don't have to explain anything to you." He spat at me the ruffling shoved me with his shoulder causing me to stumble. He started to walk away, then he looked over his shoulder, "Brendan." And with that he just walked away.

I walked over to Aria, and she looked at me completely confuse. I shrugged, "Strange." She nodded but she looked deep in thought. We walked outside the store and started walking. The sky darkened and the rain started pouring down. And when I say it was pouring, I mean, IT was POURING. "What the heck?"

"I don't know, this only happens at our place." We were so confused, everyone around us apparently was too. I look ed at the sky. I smiled a little, I always loved the rain. My smiled faltered when Brendan's voice spoke into my head, Sorry if you got the wrong fist impression, so take this as an, I'm sorry gift. I looked around for him but I couldn't see him. At that moment, lighting flashed, making me jump. But the lighting stayed long enough for me to look up at it. And there in front of the lighting, on top of a building, stood no other than Brendan himself, with a smirk played on his face.



I really liked this chapter :) Sorry it's been so ling since ive postes, I've been really busy with school stuff lately :( PWEASE forgive me, PWEASE :) So what do you guys think of Brendan :) Well talk to you later!


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