Chapter 4

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It was Monday morning. I walked into the school building laughing with Michael. We walked to our lockers and continued talking while we got out our books.

"Last weekend was.. Fun." I said, kind of awkwardly.

"Yeah," He said laughing a bit.

He finished grabbing his books and waited for me to finish. Not long after I had my books and we walked to class together.

We walked into class and I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom. The teacher gave me a hall pass and I walked down the hallway till I got to the bathroom door. I stood in front of the door, I could hear some noise. It sounded like someone was in there crying.

'Should I?' I asked myself quietly and opened the door anyway.

It was Alea. She was crying, in a school bathroom.

"Alea?" I asked, surprised and very clearly worried. "What's wrong?" I walked over to her and hugged her.

"Ma-Mackenzie.." Alea stuttered. "She's been spreading rumors.."

I stared at her, 'Mackenzie? Wasn't that the girl who Michael was-'

"Mackenzie?" I asked, enraged. "What has she been saying?"

"She's been calling me a whore," Alea let go of me and wiped her tears on her sweatshirt sleeve. "She said I've been having sex with guys and cheating on Adam."

"That bitch-" I started but got cut off by Alea.

"No, Dawn don't get worked up. You can't get suspended." Alea said.

" I'm more than willing to be suspended." I said, getting ready to walk away.

Alea yelled at me and told me to stop. "..Wait for me." Alea smiled and followed me. We walked down the hall back to class. There she is, "Mackenzie." I said nearly shouting to get her attention.

She was talking to Michael. He was sitting in his seat and she was standing beside him. From his stiff posture I could tell she was doing something to make him uncomfortable.

She looked back at me, "Oh... It's you.." She looked at me with disgust. I walked up to her, she was already taller than me and the 5 inch heeled boots didn't help.

She bent forward slightly to be in my face. "Yes, little dog?" She asked in a questioning baby voice.

Alea looked over at Michael and mouthed, 'shit's about to-' As she got mid sentence they heard a smack sound and looked over to see Mackenzie holding her face as I stood with my hand in a fist.

She looked at me and scoffed. "You bitch!" She yelled as she jumped at me. We both fell to the ground, my head hitting the concrete tile flooring. In my fit of anger I felt no pain and flipped us so she was on bottom and I was on top.

I kind of froze, 'do I really want to hurt her?' I thought, then had a flashback of Alea crying in the bathroom. 'She hurt my best friend. She can't just get away with it. So yea, I do.'

I started to punch her but she grabbed my hand. I got control back of my hand and I stood up. She sat up and scooted her self back so she could stand up. She lunged at me and tried to punch me. She some how managed to miss. I picked up a book on a desk nearby and hit her on the side of her face. She fell back and hit her head on a desk, it was enough to hurt but not enough for a cuncusion. She held her head for a second before she grabbed me and dragged me down and I hit my head on the concrete floor, this time passing out.

Mackenzie stood up and looked down at me, "Stupid bitch."


I woke up in a hospital bed. I looked around the room, and there was nobody in there with me. I've never noticed how eerie hospital rooms are at night. I could see the city outside my hospital room window.

I look around the room some more looking for anything I could use. 'My phone.. Where's my phone?' I looked around and it took me a while but I found it. I picked up my phone and saw a ton of texts and messages. Twenty voice mails, all from Alea and Michael.

'Those goofballs..' I checked the time, it was around 11. It was too late for me to call since this is a hospital and most patients go to bed earlier. I decided to text Alea, hopefully she wouldn't be too worried.

'Hey,' I texted her, it didn't take her very long to respond.

'Oh god, Dawn how are you? Are you feeling okay.' Alea texted back alarmingly fast.

'Im fine. It doesn't even hurt anymore. What about Mackenzie ?' I asked her. I was mentally hoping she got expelled or suspended for a combanation of bullying, slander, and the fight. But i knew if she got suspended for the fight I would too.

'I have good news and bad news,' Alea started. 'Good news is Mackenzie is suspended for 3 weeks for many things. When you stood up for her bullying me others told their story and she got 3 weeks for that combined with other things.' She texted me.

'Oh my god thats great!' I texted her back but noticed the little chat bubble with three dots.

'Bad news is you're suspended for a week and will probably be in the hospital for over a week. They believe you have head injuries.' Alea texted me and I felt my heart drop into my chest.

'It's all my fault..' Alea texted right after.

'No, it isn't your fault. I decided to fight her on my own will, it wasn't your fault.' I texted her back but she stopped responding.

"I hope she's just gone to bed.." I whisper to myself as I text her good night and told her I'd talk to her tomarrow when school was over.

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