Chapter four

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The last light of the sun seeped away, it had been a couple of days since the tea incident. Eg was sitting at the table, messing with their goggles when everything went silent. Eg looked up... ' 'isn't it supposed to be noisy outside???' ' they thought to themself, getting up, accidentally hitting the chair, but instead of falling quickly to the floor with a bang it seemed to be in slow motion. Eg stopped ' 'NONONONONONO-' '
They ran to Esper's room, only to be stopped by certain someone grabbing their arm " greetings dearest" Eg screamed the noise of a startled alarm, waking with a start, Breathing heavily.
"Eg?!" Esper ran down the hallway scattering to the living room. "WhathappenedIheardanalarmwasthatyou?!ifthisisajokeit'sonefreakingamwhywouldyoudothat-"
He sighed stopping
"Sorry, okay??"
They took a deep breath before shaking their head yes.
He sat down on the floor next to the couch were Eg lay
They sat in silence together before Esper asked a simple question,
"Did you...have a nightmare?.."
Eg looked at him confusedly
"O-oh-- its, uh, a dream that's frightening"
They thought for a second before nodding slowly.
"Was it about him."
Their breath went shaky before they nodded, scattering to hug him.
"I--it's-it's okay?" He wasn't used to comforting anyone, living on on your own awhile does that..
(222 words)
After a few moments of silence Esper got up "I probably won't be able to go back to sleep now, so uh, want me to make some tea?"
Eg nodded, getting up to follow him.

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