8 - ☾Essenza Dell'Acqua☽

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Oh this glorious ale,

I gasp

As it trickles down my hand

I drink

I drink and marvel

at the sky juice and it's contents

As it spills upon my body

I shiver from its natural chill

It lingers throughout my skin, everlasting

I take my jug

And scoop up some more

Of the tranluscent entity

The pittering pattering

atop my flat stomach

Arises my bonds

I don't think 

I can be apart

From this any longer

And so

I forget my jug

And splash into the lake

The entity wiggles between my toes

Caresses my body

Blinds me with it's foamy ripples

I sink like a rock

Plummeting down

Until I touch it's sandy foundation

My eyes have now opened

Vision - now blue and blurry

I am surrounded by swimming elements

My hair becomes a canopy

As I look

At all that is surreal

I drift within the water

My aubade not that of dawn

But the dark shade that has casted above me

My hymn intertwines with the lake's billowing

Just as I am scourged and reminded of my humanity

And so I crawl upwards and back to the surface.

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