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Percy POV

I entered the mess hall to see all my friends were already there.

Chiron stomped his hoof and everybody stopped talking.

"Today there will be a capture the flag game between Athena-

He was cut off by Clarisse who said

"Chiron u have transferred the flag to the Chaos cabin so today's game will be between the Chaos cabin and the rest of the camp."

Annabeth sneered

"Oh please you aren't strong enough to defeat all the campers."

Clarisse chuckled

"Oh please Percy could defeat all the weaklings at this camp on his own"

Mark decided to speak

"Oh sure we will see about that when I kick his ass and win the game."

His words were met with laughter from my table.

-Line break—

It was finally time for capture the flag.

As soon as Clarisse transferred the flag to our cabin it turned black with a solar system on it in white colour.

I had everyone on defence as me and Clarisse charged at the enemy from either flank.

As reached the river I saw Mark waiting there.

I chuckled and charged at him with Doom.

He tried parrying but the sheer force of my strike pushed him in the river.

I knew he would get energized but he was still weaker compared to me. He raised his hand and the water came flying at me. I smirked at him and said.

"Let me show you true control of water."

I flicked my hand and turned the water to ice.

He was sweating and looked ready to pass out from trying to control the water.

Before I could advance and knock him out. I felt a presence behind me. I swung the backend of my sword like a baseball bat.

With a cry Annabeth fell behind knocked out. She was trying to stab me in the back.

I had probably cracked her skull or something.

I walked towards Mark but I heard a conch horn I turned to see Clarisse had captured the flag after brutally knocking out most of the enemy team.

Just then as I had arranged a hellhound attacked Mark. Since I was king of hellhounds I could order most of them.

Chiron shot and killed the hellhound. I saw Mark had passed out as a trident symbol appeared above his head.

I smirked. It had begun.

The next day Mark was moved to the Poseidon cabin.

Most of the campers avoided him and if looks could kill the Athena cabin would have killed him a thousand times over.

I was in my cabin wondering if Artemis would be busy and if I could talk to her. When I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it to see Chiron was standing outside. He looked at me grimly and said

"Sally has been kidnapped and Zeus's masterbolt has been stolen so you are to go on a quest with your brother."

"With all due respect Chiron I can free my mother on my own and I don't need that idiot slowing me down and I don't really care for Zeus's toy."

As I said that the sky started rumbling.

I just looked up and laughed.

Chiron looked at me and said

"Mark received a prophecy in which it was specifically stated you have to accompany him."

I sighed and said


I followed him to the mess hall.

Mark was sitting there while uncle D was threatening to kill him if he didn't stop whining.

When I entered he looked at me and said

"I can't believe I have to take you with me. Chiron he is too weak ."

I looked at him and laughed

"I would be happy to go without you but the prophecy forces me to drag your worthless ass with me. Now tell me what the prophecy says."

"You and three shall go west and meet the god who has turned.

The Son of Chaos shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned.

You and two shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend.

And you alone shall fail to save what matter most, in the end.

The prophecy was mostly the same except for a few changes.

Chiron looked at Mark and said

"Who will be the other two people you are taking?"

"I choose Annabeth and Grover"

Annabeth grinned when he chose her.

Grover on the other hand like last time had a nervous look on his face.

I just sighed

"Now I have to go with not one but three idiots."

With those words I left.

I didn't have a lot of luggage my weapons could appear out of thin air and I also had an enchanted bag from my dad.

I remembered the quest my dad had given me.

I had already planned that I would let the shoes drag Mark into Tartarus and I would go with him.

I would them erase their memories later.

I also planned on freeing Nico and Bianca from the hotel.

With those thoughts I set of towards the hill to start my quest.

AN: I was actually planning to post it on Christmas but I had to like go for some party so it is delayed. I will be posting now after 15 Jan because I have you exams.

This chapter has been beta read by dernbu

I will see you when I see you..

son of creation over and out

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