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I watched closely as Kyle thought about my words. I prayed that he would say yes but then I also knew it was unlikely. He shook his head slightly and I knew that it must not be the answer I wanted.

“I’m sorry, Kel, I just can’t do it. Kayden will behave himself.” Kyle said, but I didn’t believe him. He wouldn’t be here to see what Kayden is doing.

I sighed loud enough so he could hear it. He exited the room, leaving the door unlocked. I knew I couldn’t escape and he left it open because Kayden and him must both be out in the living room or kitchen. I didn’t want to see Kayden right now so I hung out in the bedroom, lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

A few tears escaped my eyes just from thinking about all the things Kayden could do to me, Landon or Brooke. Heck, he could kill us all if he wanted too. I jumped up when I heard the door open. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw Brooke standing in the doorway. Her hair was messed up and her clothes were wrinkled and had spots of blood on them. She had a large bruise on her left cheek and her eyes were swollen and bloodshot.

“Brooke, are you okay?” I asked, eagerly.

She didn’t say anything which concerned me. Why wasn’t she talking? She closed the door behind her and came and sat down on the bed next to me. I stared at her with confusion but she ignored me. What was wrong with her?

“Brooke, please say something.” I begged.

She shook her head, trying to hold back tears. It pained me to see her like this. What was going on? She opened her mouth but nothing came out at first.

“I can’t do this anymore.” She whispered.

“What do you mean?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

“He is worse than Marcus. I can’t live this life anymore. There is no escaping or having a normal life. I’m sick of this.” She said tears streaming down her cheeks.

He is worse than Marcus. Her words replayed in my head several times and I imagined him hurting her. She looked abused but what worried me the most was that if Kayden raped her. Marcus did it all the time and I know it ruined her but to have it happen again, must be horrific.

“Listen to me right now, Brooke. There is hope; you can’t give in right now. We can get out of this alive.” I said, trying to pick my words perfectly.

She started to pace back and forth and I knew I wasn’t convincing enough. I couldn’t imagine being in her situation but then again, I knew if she gave up hope nothing good could happen. My eyes widened when she suddenly stopped walking and turned to me. She was holding something behind her back and when I saw the glistening silver, I knew what it was. A knife.

“Woah, Brooke!” I exclaimed.

“I got this in the kitchen before I came in here. As I said before, I can’t do this anymore. No one should be going through this.” She cried.

“You’re not alone here. I am here for you.” I said, trying to calm her down.

“Bull shit! You don’t know anything. This is like a freaking vacation for you!” She snapped.

“Oh really? You think I’m having so much fun here? Really?” I asked, trying not to let my anger get the best of me. I kept my eyes on the knife that she was grasping tightly in her right hand.

“You haven’t been raped before or beaten until your practically dead!” She yelled, tears falling down her bruised cheeks.

“I have been hurt before and watched the people I loved killed and hurt.” I replied.

Life As I Knew It (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now