Killed By Love

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My eyes opened and a blindly light was shining in my face. I rubbed my eyes, waiting for them to adjust. The light was sunlight coming from a window. I looked around and noticed that I was in Kyle’s bedroom, in the bed. What happened last night? I barely remember it. How had I got in Kyle’s bed?

Then the image of Dole beating me and Kayden almost raping me came rushing back to memory. Kyle had saved me from Kayden. I had passed out from the pain I was feeling. I looked down to see that I had my clothes back on. Did Kyle dress me? I trembled at the thought of Kyle dressing me while I was unconscious. I mean, at least I had my clothes on and Kayden wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

I tried to sit up, but groaned as my sore body moved. I didn’t think anything was broken, hopefully, and I knew that I would have bruises from last night. Then I remembered Landon. I wanted to punch him in the face for hurting me. He was just as bad as Kyle, okay, maybe not that bad but he was up there. I ignored my thoughts about Landon, not wanting to cry at the thought of him.

I finally sat up, despite the pain, and looked around the room. Surprisingly, Kyle wasn’t in the room. Usually he was sleeping next to me but I was guessing he was awake already. When my feet hit the ground, I knew this was going to be a rough day. I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror and almost screamed. My face was all bruised, along with my arms and legs. My hair was falling out of my ponytail and my clothes were stained with blood. Dried blood stuck to my face, and some on my arms.

I walked over to the door and knew I had to face Kayden and Dole eventually. I really didn’t want to go downstairs because I knew Kayden and Dole would probably be there and that they were probably laugh at my pain. I needed to face them. Before I could open the door, I opened by someone else. I stumbled backwards, and fell down from still being weak. Kyle rushed in, closing the door behind him. He knelt down to me and said, “Kelly, are you okay? I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, I’m just sore.” I mumbled.

“I’m sorry about Dole, and well, Kayden. He knows not to try that anymore.” Kyle said. I nodded, not knowing what to say.

“There’s something I have to tell you and I don’t want you to freak out. Okay?” He asked, actually, freaking me out.

“What?” I asked.

I got to my feet, with the help of Kyle and sat down on the bed. There were so many things he could say right now that my head was spinning. Was it something bad? Good? What was it? I wanted to yell at him to spit it out but I knew that he wouldn’t like that. My hands were shaking slightly and my heart was beating faster.

“Dole and I have to run on some errands.” He said.

“What’s so bad about that?” I asked, not seeing what he was seeing, obviously. I raised my eyebrows, wondering what was so bad about him doing errands.

“You’re going to be here alone with Kayden.” He whispered.

I screamed inside of my head, hoping a scream didn’t accidently slip. How was he going to leave me here with that monster? Kayden had just tried to rape me last night and now Kyle was leaving the two of us alone? No way, this can’t be happening. Kyle won’t be here to protect me this time. I wanted to cry but knew that I couldn’t keep crying at everything.

 Kyle must have noticed my worried look because he said, “Don’t worry. We had a talk and he isn’t going to touch you.”

Like I would really take Kayden’s word? I couldn’t trust Kayden and I honestly, don’t know how Kyle could either. As soon as Kyle left, Kayden would take advantage of that situation. I was doomed. I needed to think of a plan because I was too weak to fight Kayden well, and I couldn’t just let him hurt me, like I knew he would once Kyle was gone.

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