7 Minutes In Heaven- Papyton.

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A/N this is a personal OTP of mine feel free to leave a request in the comments if you want me to write a one shot for a petecular ship or senecio(but no smut...yet). still on with the story

~~third person POV~~
The idea to have a party was a good idea, even if it was only Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Alphys,Undyen, Frisk and mettaton. Honestly it was more of a get together than a party. There were a few balloons stuck to the walls of Papyrus and Sans' living room. Music played in the background but talking could be heard as well. The group was in the middle of the room. Sans and Toriel sitting on the saggy couch the skeleton brothers had kept for some reason. Frisk, Mettaton and Papyrus sat on the blue carpeted floor chatting plus Alphys and Undyen sat together. Alphys suggested something through the chatter.

"M-maybe w-we could p-play 7 m-minutes in heaven".

"Yeah that would be a great idea!" Undyen half yelled.

"Indeed that would be interesting" Mettaton stated in his usual karasmatic way. Sans moved on the sofa a bit.

"you sure that's a good idea?" Sans quizzed

"What could go wrong, darling?" Mettaton returned Sans question with a second question. Sans thought for a few moments before agreeing even still a bit sceptical. Papyrus looked quite excited.

"WHAT ARE THE RULES?" he quizzed In a fairly quite voice for papyrus. Alphys was first to start explaining

"Well t-two m-monsters are c-chosen to go i-into a closet o-or something like t-that..." Alphys trailed off a bit at the end of the sentence Which Undyen then finished

"And they can kiss and stuff!" Everyone was interested so papyrus got a bowl and sans found a pen and some paper to write names for the random selection. Everyone gathered around the wooden wardrobe. Undyen drew a name out of the bowl of names then called it out

"Papyrus". Papyrus laughed in his signature way.

"Who will be so lucky to join me Undyen" Papyrus quizzed confidential. Alphys pulled a name out this time

"M-Mettaton". Sans looked Mettaton he knew Mettaton had his eye on Papy but maybe he was just being over protective?

"Well then" Mettaton said in a smooth voice "shall we?" He continued walking to the wardrobe. Papyrus confident faltered a bit. Mettaton was very cool and has been Papyrus idol for a while.

"Of course" Papyrus spoke walking over and going into the closet. It isn't the smallest closet ever but still it isn't roomy so Papyrus and Mettaton are sitting pressed up against each other. Papyrus was blushing slightly already but so was Mettaton. For all his charm and confidence he is still nervous too. Mettaton could tell Papyrus was nervous even in the relative darkness.

"Nothing has to happen Papy dear" Mettaton spoke reassuringly. Stared at Mettaton their eyes locking.

"Well would you mind if something did happen?" Papyrus questioned. Mettaton shook his head. Admittedly he did like Papyrus he is just incredibly adorable and of course very great. Papyrus moved a little closer if that was possible in the confided space. "What if...I kissed you" papyrus asked. Mettaton blushed a bit more and stated quite flirty way

"why don't you find out?" And like that the pair had started kissing softly. Papyrus moved onto Mettaton lap as the kissed. After a few moments they broke the kiss.

"Does this mean you like me?" Papyrus asked in an almost child like way.

"Yes" Mettaton replied. He paused before speaking again

"how about we go on a date sometime?" Papyrus thought for a moment before nodding. Undyen's voice broke though the quiet that was setting in

"7 minutes is up". Papyrus got off Mettaton and opened to wardrobe door, his eye sockets having to readjust to the brightness. Mettaton following soon after. Papyrus sat next to Sans who asked if everything was cool in his words. Of course it very much was. The next names where called until they had all been called and it was time for people to be getting home.

A/N a) OMFG 15 FOLLOWER'S!!!! Thank all of you for sticking with my bullshit everything. It might not seem like much but it really is for me😆. b) pewdiecry chapter is in the works I will possibly update a stony chapter next

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