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Rain. It was pouring down at that time. Soaking the surrounding graves. The grass had little droplets of water clinging to them, and the black, metal fence was lined with little puddles of rain. A great willow tree stood in the corner farthest from the gate in the cemetery. The bowing branches almost making a semi-curtain of damp leaves, if it wasn't for the fact it had recently been trimmed. The Willow trees branches provided a sort of shelter for a fresh,lone grave. You could see this from the grass that hadn't grow back over the compressed pile earth. The headstone was new too, the polished granite was free from vegetation or chips. If you where to read it, you would know 'Phil Lester' was inscribed into the curved rock. And if you noticed the solemn man stood in front of the grave, dressed in mourning colours and holding a black umbrella, you would see he was indeed, Dan howell. In fact, if you where really eagle eyed, you would notice the golden lion plush being tightly clutched in his pale hand. The rain was pattering on Dan's umbrella, sometimes a rain drops would land and instead of rolling down the curve of the fabric, would splatter on the black nylon.

The skin around Dan's eyes was patchy and red from,damp from the tears still racing down his cheeks. If you listened close enough you would hear him mutter to himself about how it should have been him or how he should been able to save him. Yet, you wouldn't have to be listening very hard to hear huge sobs and unsteady breathing emitting from Dan.

"It's all my fault", you would hear Dan wail.

"I just want to see you again, Phil", he would sob louder, as he dropped his umbrella half-heartedly, letting the rain fall onto his already messy and slightly curly hair.

"I never got to tell you how I feel" you would hear Dan shout hoarsely.

You would see him drop to his knees , splattering them in wet mud, clutching lion to his chest as if his life depended on it. You would know it just might. You would hear the pain and sorrow in every​ hoarse,noisy sob. You would almost certainly want to comfort the one you once, and still, call best friend, but alas, you are merely a ghost now. You're​ meant to no longer feel pain, but the sight before you is a true punch to the gut. You wish you could go back and See him again. You would yearn to take his pain away. But the glass of worlds stop you, Permanently. It will until the end of time itself. You have eternity now. Yet he can only pray your soul is not suffering. Even though it's truly Dan's soul that is truly the one suffering. You want to reach out and comfort him, but there is nothing you can do.
Phil Lester.
And it makes you the most furious you've ever been.

A/n idk. just an idea I've had for a bit. I will write a second part of you want.
Hey its me from after i changed the grammar mistakes, that 0l0DragonCurse0l0 found and put right for me.
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