So Fucking Sorry- Sterek. part 1

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A\N it's going to be angst-y and I'm not that great at writing Derek.

~~3rd person POV~~
The pack was in Derek's loft. They were all quiet. In fact, if most of the pack weren't werewolves with enhanced hearing it would be silent. Pretty much the only sound was Derek's pacing. Derek spoke up

"are we all 100% sure we have checked everywhere?" The pack gave a unanimous nod. Derek let out a deep sigh and pulled a large hand through his dark hair. Scott stood up and put his hands on the alpha's shoulders.

"Derek we are all scared and worried about Stiles, but wearing away the floor isn't going to help" Scott stated in a soft voice. This just made the alpha drop his head to stare at the wooden planks that made up the floor. Jackson glanced at Derek before mumbling

" I hate to say it but maybe Stiles is-". Jackson was cut off by Derek nearly shouting

"don't say it". Jackson stood from his position on the sofa and shouted back

" lets face it! Stiles has been missing for 4 days, no one can pick up his scent, his phone goes straight to voice mail and texts can't be sent plus our pack isn't exactly short of enemies!" Jackson paused and the relative silent coated the room again until Jackson finished his sort of speech in a mumble. "He's...dead". Someone saying it made it real. It stopped it being like a hazy dream they could wake up from.

"Stiles Stilinski is...dead" Scott mumbled. It hurt to say it but it helped a bit. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes and Scott tried swallow the lump growing in his throat. A somber, morning silence filled every corner of the loft.

Derek was on the verge of tears too but keep his face placid. Until he smelt something that restored a bit of hope in him. A sweet and intoxicating scent he thought he would never smell again. Stiles scent! Without a second thought or word to the others, Derek was sprinting in the direction of the scent. And hopefully Stiles. Some of the pack called after him but none of them did much else. Derek ran until he reached the woods with only one thing on his mind. Find Stiles. Derek only ceased his sprint to catch his breath. But Stiles scent was so strong now. It seemed to lured him closer like cheese on a mouse trap or light in a bug zapper. He wandered cautiously through the woods. Light streamed through the trees in beams as if hundreds of tiny alien spacecraft were trying to beam people up. The alpha heard strangled sobbing and swiftly persuaded it. As he passed by a larger tree you laid his eyes on the slim figure of Stiles. His hair was messy and the bottom of his jeans were caked in mud. His face was buried in his knees that were pulled up to his chest. The position made the smaller male seem helpless and fragile. Without another thought Derek called out to him in relief

"Stiles!". The male looked up with a mixture of fear and joy in his eyes.

"please, don't get any closer " Stiles pleaded getting up from the floor.

"What do you mean? You scared me and the pack Stiles, just come back with me and we can talk about what happened." Derek stated soothingly. Stiles stepped backwards tears forming.

"Please, Derek you don't understand! I can't go back!" Stiles cried. Derek had the overwhelming urge to comfort Stiles but he sensed that wouldn't be the best option. Derek took a small step forward, yelling

"then help me understand!" Stiles breathing got more erratic.

"Derek, if you get any closer I'm going to hurt you!" The words Stiles said sounded like threat but his tone of voice made it a warning to the older male. Stiles' eyes glazed over partially and fell to his knees. Derek Instinctively rushed forward, but Stiles looked up, tears in his eyes, and choked out "witch's curse...stop it...please..." The alpha was already in range of Stiles reach. He stood up calmly before uttering one last, strained sentence "so...fucking...sorry." Stiles jumped at Derek with completely hazy eyes, the normal joyful spark in them gone. Stiles attempted to stab the alpha with a knife that looked to be laced with wolfsbane, but the alpha managed to hold the blade away from him and carefully tossing Stiles onto the dirt in front of him.  He's cursed? Derek thought. Stiles skidded to a stop and rebounded surprisingly fast. Derek moved out of way of Stiles blade noticing tears falling to the ground. He hated it... So much... It sucked to see Stiles crying. It killed him a little inside, for reasons he wasn't going to deal with right now. Stiles was going to kill him for real, if he stayed distracted like this. The smaller male made his third attack to the older this time only barely missing his shoulder. Shit. Derek thought, as he narrowly missed another blow aimed at his head. He's so much faster! All of a sudden, Stiles was completely out of view. It was eerily silent of the middle of a battle, even with the acute hearing of a werewolf.

leaves dropped suddenly from above Derek, the trees rustling. Before Derek knew it, he had Stiles' blood on his claws. Stiles had fallen from the trees, to try to get a sneak attack, but Derek's reactions were faster. The older male covered his mouth and his usually furrowed eyebrows were raised. Stiles was crumpled on the floor, deep claw marks on his chest. His eyes where no longer glazed over. The wolfsbane knife was lost somewhere in the bushes of the wood. The younger male shakely turned over before coughing up blood onto his previously white T-shirt. Stiles tried to utter words, but Derek put a finger over his mouth.

"Don't talk -for ones in you life- Stiles!" Derek commanded gently lifting up Stiles' injured body. But Stiles wasn't interested in that and spoke anyway

"no... im-mportant..." Derek listened as Stiles continued "not...y-your... fault...t-this". Stiles stuttered out one last sentence before coughing up blood and stopping "forgi-iven... matter... what". Derek​ didn't like such dire talk. He sprinted to the hospital, yet not fast enough to worsen the younger males injures.

Derek didn't recall how long he ran for but all he did remember telling Stiles to stay conscious all too may times for his liking. By the time they had arrived at the hospital, Stiles' shirt was almost entirely crimson. Melissa and the sheriff where in the hospital, talking. The sheriff had been around Melissa a lot more since Stiles went missing. As soon as they entered the building Melissa noticed the pair.

"Stiles?!" She exclaimed shocked.
The sheriff whipped around to see his severely injured son in Derek's arms. He was shocked and relieved at the same time. Melissa shouted

"we need to get him into a room asap!"
Stiles was rushed away leaving Derek with the sheriff, a bloodied shirt and strained hands. A mountain of guilt hung over him.

A/N so I'm going to leave this here as is already longer that my longest story chapter. And it's a one shot. So I will write a second part. I promise.
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