Champaign, Gasoline And All Things Inbetween-Phan.

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(Part one)

~~Dan's POV~~
Ah. What happened last night. My head is pounding and I am definitely hung over. My hair is messy. I just want to go back to sleep but large amounts of sunlight stop me. I tug my quilt up over my face...Only it isn't My quilt. It's blue and green checkered. I hadn't noticed until now but that chest of drawers is Phil's and the things on it. In fact how did I not notice the sleeping Phil beside me. Phil's hair was also messy and...And he didn't have a shirt on,heck, I don't have one on either. Actually... I lift the quilt up slightly. Yup. I'm naked. Shit. Did we...? We didn't right...? All of a sudden Phil yawns then grunts. He's probably hung over to.

~~Phil's POV~~
I wake to a pain in my head and a dull pain somewhere I'm not quite awake enough to notice or care about. My vision is blurry. Of course. I grab my glasses from my bedside table then when I can see properly I notice a packet on there too. A condom packet. I swiftly flip over to see Dan next to me looking just as confused and hungover as me.

"What happened?!" I nearly shout at Dan.

"I would also like to know that but I don't!" Dan replies. He when quite for a few seconds then spoke again

"well we definitely got drunk...and...based on...this" Dan gestured to the scattered clothing around us, the condom packet then to the both of us.

"We might have..." Dan trailed off toward the end but I got what he was trying to say. There was a lengthy, awkward silence.

"We were out with PJ and Chris, maybe they have some idea of what happened before?" I spoke in a way that was more of a question than a statement. Dan nodded in agreement.

"But first I am going to go get dressed and get some painkillers". Dan grabs the blanket that was abandoned at the foot of my bed, covering himself with it, and hurrying to his room. Well as much a someone with a hangover of that degree can hurry. It was more of swift shuffling.

~~Dan's POV~~
After I had reached my room I closed the door firmly. I grabbed a random pair of black jeans and some shirt that I didn't pay to much attention to. Of course I forgot to put on boxers. With a groan of irritation I redress this time with boxers on. The blanket I had taken from Phil's room was abandoned on my bed and would almost certainly be returned when I go to retrieve my clothes. My head still throbbing with pain as I wandered into the kitchen, I swiftly find the Parosetemol. The box was left on the counter by the sink. Did we do that while drunk, or did PJ? At this point in time, I'm just relieved, I'll figure it out later. As I swallowed 2 of the pills, Phil appeared in the doorway to the kitchen,Now clothed in black jeans and his pizza shirt. I passed the packet of pain-killers over to him. Which he took happily with a quiet 'thanks'. After a few minutes of sitting on the sofa, sipping coffee, I felt better. It seems like Phil felt better as well.

"We could call PJ and Chris now,See what they can tell us" I suggested​.

"Yeah" Phil replies.

~~Phil's POV~~
I scoot over to Dan. I'm a bit closer than I really should be, but Dan's warmth is pleasant and he doesn't seem to care either. He leans into my side a bit, opening his phone to call PJ, stopping before he could.

"Holy fuck" he muttered. I peek at his phone and am greeted by 20 or so pictures of us, clearly drunk, at the party last night. The first few are quite normal, obviously from when we were less tipsy, showing things like dancing, Dan taking a shot, and group pictures. But as the pictures progressed, they got more homoerotic with how wasted we were. I'm pretty sure there was actually one of Dan groping my ass. Let's just hope none of them posted anywhere. He clicked clicked out of the photos and started calling PJ.

A/N I am stopping here other wise it will be too long. part 2 coming soon(*cough* hopefully *cough*)
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