Taehyung POV

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After I heard Big Hit I ran out of the door. That's where she is. Then I can talk to her about this. I hop into the van and drive off towards the building. I seen Jungkook and Jimin get in the car and speed off after me.

Just let me explain it to her. I wish they would calm down. It really isn't what it seems. I would never hurt Olivia like this, I was going to break up with Jiyoung as soon as I got to the date, that was gonna be it. I never wanted to hurt you Olivia.

I arrived at the building and so did Jimin and Jungkook. I parked the car and jumped out and sprinted towards the building. They were sprinting after me. "Shit." I say as I reach the doors.

I didn't bother signing it but instead I ran to the dance room. The one she first danced in, I feel like she would be there.

I make it to the room and see her dancing. She was dancing to I need U, as soon as I walked in so did the other two.

Olivia shot her head at us. She gasped when she seen me. "Olivia please-"

"T-taehyung, I don't want to hear it." she spoke quietly.

I stepped towards her but she kept stepping back. "Please Olivia, I love you."

"N-no! Taehyung please stop." she said her voice shaky.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook screamed at me and tackled me.

"Olivia! Wait!" I said as she ran out of the room. "Please can we talk about this? I love you!"

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