MY SEXY FIRST COUSIN, WTF am I thinking??? {[12]}

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Hey ppls :)

whoops, i posted ch 11 as ch 12...but i fixed it :) sorry bout that >.

this story will be coming to its end sooner than you know :/

but remember, BIG surprise :)



Chapter 12

*Jennie's POV*

Poor Jennifer. Poor And-no. There's no pity for him. What he's doing to her is WRONG.

If I could only tell Jen what's really going on in that mind of his.

Andrew knows it, but he's trying to avoid it.

Jen's just too caught up with herself and her feelings for him.

God. I'm gonna turn to be like that when I get as old as Jen is now: love crazy and crushing on every guy that has a body. NOT that I'm checking out my brother or anything! Hell no...I just hear it from all my friends that he's freaking sexy.

Ew. I shuddered at my thoughts, trying to shake it off.

I guess I'll just tell Jen when the time is right.

She needs to know about his ex, and what he really thinks about her.


*Jennifer's POV*

I guess you could say I am a bit thankful Dad called me just now. Otherwise, I would've just had sex with my cousin.


I could've had sex.


It would've been with my cousin.


I'm leaving tomorrow.

I let out a sigh. All of this, this feeling I had for him, would have to disappear.

Could I do it?

Knowing if I had a chance with Corey could probably help me...

God, I miss Corey. I missed how his hands felt against mine, against my waist.

I found myself back in Jennie's room, sitting on her bed.

She came home an hour later and saw me laying there, staring at the ceiling.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"Duh." I smiled at her response and sat up in bed.

"I'm gonna miss you," I told her.

"You mean you're gonna miss my brother."

"That too." She shook her head.

"Something wrong?" I asked. She looked at me with wide eyes as if I knew something I wasn't supposed to.

"Nothing." Her face went innocent.

Maybe I shouldn't push her to tell me. It was a phase all us girls go through and we'd like our independence on certain things.

I stepped out of her room to let her change.

The minute I walked out, I nearly bumped into Andrew. I stumbled backwards and he caught my elbow, helping me balance.

"Hey," he said, smiling softly.

MY SEXY FIRST COUSIN, WTF am I thinking??? *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now