Chapter 23: You're Going to Need a Good Exorcist

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Chapter 23: You're Going to Need a Good Exorcist

"Ella..." A voice that sounded distant but at the same time all too close called my name out, making me frown as I tried to go back to my unconscious state.

"Ella... wakey wakey!" The same voice continued, this time with a significantly more annoying tone to it.

"Go away," I grumbled, opening my eyes to meet something hard, warm and tanned. It took me a moment to process exactly what was happening and where I was before I let out a startled shriek and attempted to move away. This attempt failed drastically however, because I was unable to move from the position I was in: facing Luke's chest and wrapped in his arms.

"Why the fuck are your arms around me?" I said, narrowing my eyes at Luke, who made no attempt to remove them and release me.

"Don't use that accusatory tone on me when you were the one cuddling up to me all night," Luke said, raising his eyebrows at me pointedly.

"Oh my God!" I cried, finally clawing his hands off me. "I was NOT!"

"Your words say one thing but your actions say another..."

At his words my cheeks heated up and I turned away from him, desperately trying to hide my embarrassment. Was I really cuddling up to him? I had to sort out my emotions, even my subconscious ones, ASAP before I ended up doing something I regretted. Kissing and cuddling him was implying the exact opposite of what I had told him a few days ago.

"Whatever," I finally mumbled, moving the sheets aside and sliding out of the bed.

Behind me, Luke let out a low wolf whistle, "You've really got that after sex/morning after look down," he chuckled.

I was about to shoot an insult back and shut him down when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror opposite. My hair was sticking up at angles and I had an imprint on the side of my face from when I'd been resting my head on Luke's arm as I slept.

When I looked back at Luke I held in the urge to roll my eyes. As always, he was looking undeniably and rather upsettingly good. Despite my protests he had kept his shirt off but had in fact put some sweatpants on. His hair was ruffled, but not in the same wild rat way that mine was, and he was propped up casually on the bed, his signature smirk on his face.

"Are you just going to sit there and keep insulting me or are you going to get ready?" I retorted, finally tearing my eyes away.

"Are you going to keep checking me out are you going to let me get ready?" He quickly shot back.

"Argh!" I basically yelled at him. "You're infuriating."

Luke just laughed as he got out of bed and rummaged around through his stuff.

It took at least 20 more minutes before Luke finally got ready. You would've thought I'd be the one taking my time, but it was Luke in fact who changed his hair three times before he was finally okay with it, despite it looking the exact same as it had the first time.

"Are you sure it looks okay?" Luke asked me for the five hundredth time as I basically dragged him towards the door.

"It looks fine," I insisted, not even turning to look at him. "Come on, Luke, I haven't eaten anything and my stomach feels like it's about to collapse in on itself. You better not let me die from starvation here with you or I swear I'll come and haunt you after I become a ghost."

"It looks a bit flat doesn't it?" Luke hesitated, completely ignoring me.

"Your life is about to turn into the next Paranormal Activity movie in a minute unless you get some food into my stomach," I warned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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