Chapter 9: The Two Ugly Stepsisters

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Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to AnnemieB who sent me the sweetest message about following your dreams and not giving up. Also, thank you to adorkable_xfor the awesome banner on the right.



Chapter 9: The Two Ugly Stepsisters

"I am not coming outside," I said firmly, staring at my reflection in disgust.

I had been inside the fitting room for twenty minutes already and I could tell Luke's patience was wearing thin.

Truthfully, when Chase had handed me the pile of clothes I had been slightly hopeful. Hopeful that amongst that huge pile of skimpy dresses and boob tubes, there would be something that I'd look fairly presentable in. Oh, how wrong I'd been to hope of such a thing.

"Ella," Luke began, his voice scarily steady. "You've been in there for twenty minutes. Just fucking come outside."

"And let you and Chase see me looking like a pink puffer fish?" I snorted. "No thank you."

Next door to me, Chase huffed. "Oh please," he called over the wall between my fitting room and his. "It can't be that bad."

If I had the strength, I probably would've punched a hole straight through that wall and strangled Chase.

"I look like a five year old dressed in a fairy princess costume," I snapped, mentally cringing as I caught another glimpse of myself in the fitting room mirror. "All I'm missing is a wand."

"Stop being so overdramatic," Chase said. "Besides, you haven't even seen what I look like in the dress you picked out for me. I can guarantee it's a lot worse than anything I'm making you try on."

"Wait," I said, turning to face the door. "Did you actually put on the dress?"

"Of course I put on the dress. We made a deal, didn't we? You put on what I pick out and I put on what you pick out."

"So, can I see you in the dress?" I asked, perking up a little at the mental image of Chase in one of the prom dresses I'd picked out.

"Well you can't see it unless you come outside," Chase reasoned.

I knew exactly what he was doing.

He was trying to lure me into coming outside.

Sadly, it was working.

"Alright," I mumbled. "But if I come outside, you better come outside too."

"I will, I will," Chase assured me.

With a sigh, I took one final glance at my reflection and unlocked the door, stepping outside.

The fabric of the dress swirled around me, the bright pink material contrasting to my luminous green socks. The top part of the dress was a light pink and clung to what little chest area I had, then from the waist it puffed out into a hot pink skirt reaching just below mid thigh.

I looked ridiculous.

However, Chase looked a lot worse.

The dress itself was not bad, a long white strapless gown covered in sequins. It was a shame that Chase's tall muscular form could not do it any justice. The top half of it was stretched out and in the process of putting it on Chase seemed to have lost a large majority of the sequins. On an average sized girl it would've been floor length, but due to Chase's height the dress ended just below his knees.

"I feel so fat in this dress," Chase complained. "Why did you have to pick this one?"

"Holy shit," Luke exclaimed, his laughter echoing around the empty fitting rooms as he stared at us. "You look like the two ugly stepsisters."

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