Chapter 3: Loud Lesbian Porn

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Chapter 3: Loud Lesbian Porn




My eye twitched.



"Can you stop that?" I finally snapped, glaring at the imbecile sat beside me.

"Nope," Luke replied, not even looking up to acknowledge me as he continued tapping his fingers on the armrest between us.


"Can you at least have some kind of pattern?" I reasoned.

"A pattern?" He repeated, finally looking up so he could raise his eyebrows at me.

"Yes, something a little bit more melodic?"

Luke snorted and shook his head at me. "Are you always this uptight or is this just for me?"

"Do you always crack eggs on girls faces or was that just for me?" I retorted, gesturing to myself.

I was a little surprised at myself for being so openly sarcastic towards someone I barely knew, but sarcasm was not just a hobby of mine, it was also a coping mechanism. If I didn't have someone to be sarcastic towards then I would've had a breakdown by now.

Both of us had been sitting outside the principal's office for at least twenty minutes, mostly ignoring each other. Thankfully, the receptionist had been kind enough to give us some paper towels to clean ourselves up while we waited, but that didn't really help eliminate the egg odour.

"Nope," Luke said, leaning back in his chair, "that was just for you."

"Gee, you sure know how to make a girl feel special," I mumbled.

"You two can go in now," the receptionist interrupted, looking up from her computer and smiling at us.

"Thanks," I forced a smile in her direction as I stood up and followed Luke.

That was when the panic really started to sink in.

I was going into the principal's office.

I had never been into the principal's office.

What would he say? What would he do? Would he call my parents? My dad would murder me if he found out I'd done this. Oh my God, what if he suspended us? I'd never been in any real trouble at school before and I had no idea how harsh the punishment for starting a food fight would be.

Why had I let some stupid arrogant oaf provoke me into spilling a bag of flour on his head? Usually, I was too awkward to even smile at someone I didn't know properly, yet here I was starting food fights with the supposed town bad boy.

Well done, Ella.

First day of school and you've already made a mess of things.

Luke cleared his throat. "You okay?"

"Yes," I managed, nodding weakly at him.

He shrugged and pushed open the door, before sauntering in and flopping down on one of the two chairs.

Mr. Brown, a small balding man, pursed his lips together and frowned at Luke. "First day and you're already paying me a visit, Mr. Turner. I must say, I was expecting more from you after your time away."

Luke rolled his eyes and leaned back into the old leather chair. "Don't act like you're not happy to see me."

Mr. Brown chose to ignore Luke's remark and instead turned his attention to me, "I'm sorry, you are?"

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