Chapter 2 - Unwanted Surprises

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I feel the heat as soon as I step off the plane. "Welcome to Florida!" The over enthusiastic flight attendants say as I leave. I sigh and jam my headphones back in my ears, tuning out all the excitement going on around me.

I follow the signs towards baggage claim, music blaring in my ears. I stand by the luggage carousel and watch as suitcase after suitcase roll by. After a few minutes, I spot mine and retrieve it from the belt. As I head towards the exit my phone rings. I look at the caller ID. 'Dad' it reads. I hit the answer button a little too aggressively. "Hello?"

"Hey Em! How was your flight?" I hear the familiar voice on the other end say.

"It was fine. We just landed," I reply shortly.

"Great. Look, I wasn't able to get away from work, you know, with school starting up in a few days. They want me to select a new assistant headmaster. Melissa is going to pick you up and bring you to the house. I'll meet you there instead," he says.

"Who's Melissa?" I ask. "Sorry hun' gotta go. Very busy. I'll see you at home," he says in a rushed tone. Typical dad. I sigh. You could always count on him leaving you hanging. I shut my phone off and shove it in my back pocket.

I look around the area. There was a woman on the phone standing underneath the giant 'ARRIVALS' sign. She looked like someone who belonged on the cover of Forbes Magazine. The look on her face gave the 'I have somewhere much better and much more important to be' vibe.

The look was all too familiar. I had seen it on my dad's face many times. School talent shows, eighth grade graduation, soccer games, you name it. Whenever he wasn't doing what he wanted to do, he had that look plastered on his face.

That has to be Melissa.

I watch her finish the phone call and debate whether I should go over or wait for her to notice me first. Just then, she looks up and sees me.

"Emily!" she exclaims, an over enthusiastic smile plastered on her face.

"That would be me. Who are you? My dad promised he would be here," I ask, even though I know the answer.

"Oh darling, my name is Melissa. I'm sure your father has told you all about me of course." She replies.

Actually no, he didn't. I think to myself.

She keeps talking, "He had some trouble getting off work in time, so he'll meet us at home as soon as he can. Oh I just can't wait to introduce you to Liam! You two are the same age so I'm sure the two of you will get along just perfectly!"


"My son!" she says proudly.

"Oh," it was all I could think of to say.

Melissa calls us a car and we load my suitcase and backpack into it. We ride in silence and I watch the city pass by quickly. The sun had set, making it hard to make anything out properly. I caught glimpses of shops and small houses, their lights shining in the night. The houses looked modest and cozy. At least from what I could see. We passed multiple neighbourhoods, all similar in style, but each still unique in its own charismatic way.

After half an hour, the small neighbourhoods stopped and all of a sudden we arrived at some sort of gate. The driver had to show a pass so that the car could enter.

We drive through slowly, and as we passed through the gate a collection of houses came into view. We were in a sort of gated community, huge houses towering above us. Each one with its own distinct style. As we drive I admire the houses around me. They all look like the sort of houses celebrities live in. We turn into a driveway that leads to a huge house. The garden was lit beautifully and it looked as if some of the walls were made of stone. There were tons of huge windows, and the house had to be at least three stories tall. Melissa thanks the driver and dismisses him.

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