Imagine Joel and Luke as kids

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Hey guys! I figured I'll try doing imagines! Also if you guys have ideas feel free to comment them!! Tell me if y'all like these 😊

"ARGHHHHH!!!" Daniel yells proudly as he holds up our treasure chest. We were playing pirates, Ben's favorite game. We had separated into teams and Ben, Josh and I were on one and Joel, Daniel, and Libby on the other. They beat us again. Joel is the competitive one in the family so obviously he's not going to let us forget it. Sure enough he does.
"Hahaha," he laughs evilly, "we beat you once again." "That's only because we didn't hide it hard enough," I retort glaring at him.
7 year old Josh declares a rematch. "I agree with Josh," Ben and I say. "Only because you guys can't be good sports about winning," Joel smirks. Ben snatches our treasure chest back and we go in the other to room to plan where we'll hide it. "We should hide it where they'll never ever look." I say looking smug, " In Joel's pillow case mwahahha." "Nice one Luke," Ben high fives me.  Meanwhile in the other room Daniel and Joel are scheming were to hide theirs. Libby isn't helping much she's too busy laughing at where they suggest they'll put it. Joel suggests that they should put in my underpants drawer. Libby falls on the floor laughing and says yes. Daniel grabs the treasure and dashes up the stairs to hide it.
So Ben, Josh, and I decided to hide it in Joel's pillow and we send Josh to do that. We meet in the living room again after hiding them and Joel has this little smirk on his face. I roll my eyes at him. "I think we should try to find yours first," I retort to Joel. "Fine with me little brother," He laughs." You'll never ever find where we hide it." Ben, Josh, and I dash upstairs and begin looking in Joel's room. We throw his clothes all over the floor as we dump out his drawers and look. "This is fun making his room messy," I remark laughing. "I agree," laughs Ben. Josh runs and starts jumping and singing on his bed. Joel and his team come upstairs then and watch us attempt to find it. We look in everyone else's room and then we finally search mine. Josh proceeds to pull out my underpants drawer and dumps it. He screams," I FOUND IT I FOUND IT!" My face turns bright red as I realize which drawer it was in. "JOEL YOU ARE SO GOING TO GET IT!" I yell. Joel smirks," Good luck little brother." I retort," We beat you this time so hah." Joel laughs and teases us," Well you might not next time." 

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