Imagine Luke falling off the stage

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It happened to Joel in real life at a show so I thought why not make Luke do the same thing 😂😂😂 I'm laughing as I write this. hope you guys enjoy this one!! I actually hope that he doesn't fall in real life but it might be funny if he did. Okay on to the imagine!

It was just a normal day, us rehearsing the day of a tour. Not just any tour but it was ours called the You Are Priceless Tour. Joel kept changing the lyrics every time he sang. Like for Fix My Eyes he proceeds to say," Fight my ice." "That didn't even make sense Joel," I say rolling my eyes. "Sure it did little brother," He says smirking. Benjamin comes running around the corner as Phoenix chases him screaming at the top of his lungs. Benjamin laughs and stops bending over and pretends to be out of breath. Phoenix creeps close to him and Benjamin picks him up and spins him around. He puts him down as the rest of the guys come back in from our 10 minute break between rehearsing. The rest of rehearsing of great. Then we all head back to our dressing rooms and Joel and I change because we have to out again before the show for a Q&A and a M&G. After about 30 minutes we head back out to do the Q&A with Matthew West who was our opened for the tour. The q&a goes by pretty fast and then we stay there while everyone lines up for the M&G afterwards. It goes by quickly and soon we're heading back to our dressing rooms to clean up a little and change into our concert outfits. Soon Matthew begins and about 45 minutes pass before his set ends. He comes off stage and then our stuff gets set up. We come on stage and everyone starts screaming and then we begin with one of our popular ones , Run Wild. Then we do a few more songs and then we do It's Not Over Yet. This one of my favorites to do at a show. I love going out into the crowd and seeing everyone. Joel starts us off by having everyone raising their right hands in the sky and making them go up and down. He then makes sing It's Not Over Yet. He looks over at me and asks," How do you they did little brother?" "I didn't know Arizona had so much swagger," I say as I grin. Joel finally introduces the title of the song like he does at every show. "This song has a sophisticated, complicated title that you'll never see coming. It's titled It's not over yet." Ben and Vince start the dueling cellos and I then I start singing. I walk forward on the stage singing," It's up inside your head. You've got a voice that says, you won't get pass this one. You won't win your freedom..." When suddenly I take another stop that sends me crashing down to the floor landing on my butt. In front of a huge crowd. I can feel my face start to heat up and I bet it's bright red by now. I hear Joel chuckle. Ugh. I hear everyone gasp and then I quickly get up and start running up into the crowd while I keep singing. We finish the song and then Joel says," Hey Luke, did you have a nice fall?" "No I didn't big brother," I reply mock glaring at him. The rest of the show goes smoothly. Thank goodness. The only bad thing was that I had a sore behind the rest of the night. Ugh.

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