Imagine Vince having the guys try La Croix

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Okay this imagine was inspired by Vince, who is in the band and totally LOVES La Croix. It's really all he drinks. So I figured I would write something about when Vince makes them all try it. Hope y'all enjoy it! If you have any imagine ideas please comment some :) It is really hard sometimes to think of some haha. Now on to the imagine....

It was an interesting day on the tour bus as we were heading to our next stop in Florida. We were all just relaxing until my little brother said, " Hey Vince, whats La Croix taste like? You drink it all the time." I sighed. Sometimes little brothers can be annoying. "Well," Vince replied, "The one that I drink which is coconut tastes exactly like coconut. The first time I tried it, I thought it tasted like sunscreen." I laugh and said," So you have to acquire a taste for it?" He replied," Yes basically haha." Vince disappeared for a moment in the back of the bus. He returned with Coconut, Mango, and Cherry Lime as he grins. "Who's going to try it first?" He announced holding one out. "I think Luke should since he asked about it," I say as I smirk at Luke. Luke rolls his eyes at me and said," I'll try the coconut one first since you drink it all the time." Vince opens a coconut one and hands it to Luke. He takes it and sniffs it. "Woah this stuff really smells like coconut." I roll my eyes and laugh as he gets ready to take a drink. He slowly takes a drink and makes this awful face. He sprints over to the sink and spits it out as we all burst out laughing. "Did you not like it little brother?" I say smirking. "No not really," he replies getting a drink of water. Vince hands everyone else a coconut one as Luke spits his out. I drink a small sip of it and swallow. I actually like it. "This is actually really good Vince." Luke looks at me with this shocked look on his face. Timmy, Ben, and Stephen pipe up that they too like it. Mark, Blake, and Luke didn't like it so they went to dump theirs out. Then Vince pulls out some mango ones and passes them around. I pop mine open and chug it a little and make a face. Mango is definitely not a favorite, I think as I swallow it with a grimace. Luke starts laughing at me and I glare at him. He pips up," This one is better than coconut mate." The rest of the band agrees. We all try the other two flavors and grimace. They're not better then the coconut one that's for sure. Benjamin tells him that the lemon was his favorite one out of them all. Luke makes a face as he sees Vince still drinking his coconut one. "Vince, how did you find this drink anyway?" Stephen questions. "Well, let's see here." Ben gets on his instagram story and starts recording this for #storytimewithVince. "I found la croix one day when we walking down an aisle in the grocery store," he starts off dramatically. We all start laughing. "Do not laugh at the story time master," He scolds. "So as we were walking down this aisle some lady was giving out free some samples of this drink. I had no clue whatsoever I was going to try. So I went up and she of course told me the flavors and I picked berry first. It wasn't that good because I made a face. Then I found my favorite flavor. I picked up the coconut sample and tried it. I smiled and my taste buds were like woaaahhhh dudeeeee this is awesome! Then I knew I had to get that. Every since that's the only thing I drink besides water. The End." He laughs and grins.

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