Chapter 4

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Aidan and Mark get dressed and head to the restaurant that they were meeting Joey and Alex. Aidan's leg has healed, so she doesn't need a cast nor crutches to walk with.

As Aidan walks into the restaurant, she sees Joey and Alex flirting while sitting at a table with four chairs in total, but had two seats empty. As she watches them flirt, she notices that Alex looks very pretty. Her face was soft looking and her eyes were hazel. Her hair was straight and brown with blond highlights. Aidan quickly stopped staring and waited for Mark to walk into the restaurant and they walked over to where Alex and Joey were sitting. Everyone exchanges their hellos and introduces their date to the other couple.

During the date, Joey and Alex start flirting again, and Aidan rolls her eyes becoming jealous once more.
"Excuse me for a second." Aidan said as she got out of her chair leaving the table, walking outside of the place. She walks over to a vacant bench and sits down putting her head up to her knees and wrapping her arms around her legs. Then she hears footsteps coming closer to her.
"Aidan, are you okay?" Aidan looks up and sees Joey standing up in front of her. He sits by her looking at her face.
"Tell me Aidan, please." He begs her.
"Nothing Joey, just nothing." She says a little bit louder.
"Aidan please, please, please, I'm begging you, tell me." He says begging more.
"Fine! You want to know what's wrong with me Joey?! It's just I can't stand seeing you with Alex. I'm just sick of out it!" She yells. She recalls what she yelled to Joey and looks in shock at Joey. They are both silent, then Joey placed his thumb under her chin making her face his face and were about to connect their lips but then, they heard someone.
"Joey! What are you two doing?!" Alex yelled as she walked to the bench that Joey and Aidan were sitting on. Aidan and Joey quickly separated looking at an angry, confused Alex. Then Mark came out of the restaurant and walked over to Aidan, Joey, and Alex.
"What's going on? I heard Alex yelling all the way in the restaurant." He says.
"Apparently our dates were kissing." Alex crosses her arms and looks gives Aidan the 'evil look'.
"We weren't kissing. We promise we weren't. Aidan was j-just trying to help me get something out of my eye. I think a bug or something flew in it." Joey responds. Then everyone is silent.
"Oh. Sorry guys. I thought you two were kissing. I'm sorry Aidan." Alex
says calming down.
"That's okay." Aidan says kindly to Alex. Then silence once again fills the air.
"How about let's just forget about this whole mix up and go back into the restaurant and continue hanging out." Mark points back at the restaurant.
"Yeah let's just forget all about that. What do you two say?" Joey ask looking at Alex and Aidan.
"Yeah." Aidan responds. Alex nods her head.

"Thanks for walking me to my house." Aidan says walking in the middle of the streets with Mark.
"You're welcome babe. I just wanted to make sure you make it home safe." Mark states while kicking a pebble.
"See you later?" Mark says as they make it to the driveway of her house.
"Yeah. Well bye." Aidan answers. turning the front doorknob, then pushing the door.
"Bye Aidan." Mark waved to her. Aidan waved back and shuts the front door walking to her room. She takes a shower and feels tired, so she goes to bed.
"Do I really love Mark? No, no, I love Joey. No wait, Mark, after all, he is my boyfriend and he makes me more happy than I felt when I dated Joey. Right?" She paused for a moment.
"Why does love have to be so complicated?"

Aidan wakes up from her long nap. She looks at her phone receiving a text message from Mark. Mark asked if Aidan wanted to have a picnic in the park. Aidan did not want to go, but she kept thinking that she needs to go just so she will not hurt Mark's feelings. She texted him saying 'yes' and asked what time. Mark replied a few seconds later telling Aidan the time, and Aidan responded.

Aidan went to her closet and started deciding on what to wear. She picked out random clothes until she finally found a casual-like outfit and placed the clothes on the end of her bed along with her shoes. Aidan sat down on her bed and relaxed checking her phone. At that moment, Joey called her and she accepted the call.
"Hey." Joey says sounding depress.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Aidan ask.
"Alex broke up with me." Joey says sadly.
"Oh I'm sorry." Aidan says lowering her voice.
"It's not your fault. Look Aidan, I want to get back together. I know I already told you that, but I just really miss you." Joey explains.
"I miss you too Joey, but I can't do this. I mean I'm still with Mark and I cannot just break up with him today. Besides Mark and I are going on a picnic today." Aidan explains to Joey.
"I understand. I'll just wait and wait. Joey sighs and then hangs up. Aidan checks the times and goes to the bathroom changing into her gray short sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes.

Aidan walked downstairs to the kitchen to find her mom sitting at the table on her computer.
"Hey mom, I'm going to the park with Mark if you don't mind." She states to her mom secretly crossing her fingers behind her back.
"Oh yeah, go ahead. I don't mind. Just be safe and have fun." Her mom responds.
"Ok thanks mom and I'll be back in a hour or two." She tells her mom.
"Ok." Her mom waves to her.
"Hey mom by the way, where's dad?" Aidan ask.
"I think he's in the living room watching football." Aidan's mom answers. Aidan nods her head and walks into the living room finding her dad staring at the television without noticing her presence.
"Hi, I just came in here to tell you that I going to the park with Mark. I told mom...and yeah. Bye." She says awkwardly. Then her dad turns looking at her with a surprised face.
"Did you just say you are going to the park with Mark?" He ask.
"Um yeah." Aidan responds.
"You and Mark. Just you two?" He ask sounding worried.
"Yeah dad." Aidan says.
"Ok." He says turning back facing the television.
"Um ok...bye then." Aidan says confused. Her dad lifts his right hand and waves at her as he still watches the football game. Aidan walks out the door of the house and sees Mark walking in her direction.
"Ready to go?" He ask softly. Aidan nods her head and Mark grabs her hand and they walk away from her house.

"Glad you came. Today was a great day." Mark smiles looking at Aidan as they were walking closer and closer back to her house. Aidan places a fake smile on her face waiting for the silence to end.
"Hey, I love you." Mark says. Aidan nods her head and leaves Mark walking to her house opening the door and shutting it. Aidan quickly walks upstairs to her bedroom, opening the door and then shuts it.

Aidan was listening to music on her phone until Mark called her.
"Hey, you can break up with me." Mark says as soon as Aidan answers the phone.
"What?!" Aidan becomes confused.
"You can break up with me. Look I know you and Joey have feelings for each other," Mark states.
"How did you find out?" Aidan ask becoming worried.
"When we were watching Joey's broadcast, you were gloomy the whole time and I know you never ever watch your ex's broadcast or anything. Two, at the date Joey and Alex were flirting and you rolled your eyes. Three, you and Joey were kissing. I saw it way before Alex, and I did not say anything to make her notice and possibly cause a scene, but that somewhat worked and somewhat didn't." Mark explains.
"Wow! Thanks for the understanding Mark."
"Talk to you later." Mark says.
"Bye." Aidan says before Mark disconnects the phone call. Aidan jumped on her bed and hopped on it wildly. After jumping she called Joey.
"Joey! Guess what?!" Aidan says with excitement.
"What?" Joey ask.
"Mark and I broke up, so now you and I can be together!" Aidan says almost screaming.
"I'm so happy I get to be with you again," Joey says.
"I've missed you so much." He says with more excitement in his voice.
"To be honest, I have missed you too Jojo." Aidan laughs.
"I miss you calling me that," Joey laughs.
"I got to go. I have homework to finish. Bye Aidan." Joey says gloomy.
"Bye." Aidan says.

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