Chapter 10

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"Joey wait!" Aidan shouted as she pushed through students that were walking. She looked and searched for Joey quickly. She found him and ran up to him while she shouted his name. He turned around startled looking at her with a confused facial expression.
"What?" Joey asked, touching his hair.
"I think we need to talk. Can you come by my house after school?" She said sounding exhausted and tired.
"Yeah. I guess I could." Joey responded.
"Great." Aidan smiled, following a smile growing on Joey's face. Aidan focused on his eyes, noticing how the sunlight made them shine. She cane back into reality noticing Joey looking at her weirdly as if he was doing the same thing, but looking creepily at her. She waved her hand in his face until he blinked.
"Oh sorry were you saying something?" He looked at the ground and rubbed the back of his neck as his face turned somewhat light red.
"Oh nothing. I'll see you later?" Aidan questioned.
""Definitely." Joey nodded his head.

Aidan peeked out of the living room curtains and saw the familiar car drive up to her house. The car parked onto the side of the ride and became silent. The driver door opened as Joey stepped out of the vehicle. He closed the door and began walking up to the front door. Aidan quickly walked away from the window and closed the curtain. She stood at the front of the door inhaling then exhaling as the doorbell rang. She twisted the doorknob to the door and greeted Joey with a smile. She motioned her hand for him to walk inside and closed the door after he entered. He sat on the couch waiting for to sit down. She sat on the same couch and continued smiling at him.
"Hey Aidan." Joey said becoming shy.
"Hey Joey, so I know you are wondering why I need to talk to you about something, well it's actually about you and me." Her voice faded at the end of the sentence.
"Oh. Well then what is it?"
"Joey I," Aidan shakes her head and moves her head to the direction of the floor. Joey calmly and slowly places his thumb under her chin and lifts her head up to look at him.
"Aidan whatever it is, just tell me." He smiles at her, receiving a smile back. He removes his thumb from under her chin and places his hand next to his leg.
"Ok, it's just Joseph Birlem, you were my rock. You were a shoulder I could cry on and you wouldn't mind. You were always there for me when I was down. You helped me and always talked to me. You even checked on my grades just to see if I was passing or failing in all of my classes. You were my boyfriend. You were the boy of my dreams. Everyday I think about the times we broke up. Both of those times were stupid. We broke up because I was thinking that you were cheating on me, but I don't even know why I thought that because you were not that type of boy. You were never that type of boy. You are the type of boy that cares and respects his girlfriend. What I'm trying to say is," Aidan pauses and inhales.
"I think I'm in love with you again and I want to start over." Aidan exhales and stops making eye contact with Joey. Joey suddenly takes Aidan hand and holds it with his. Aidan looks at him.
"I want to start over too Aidan." Joey smiles this time revealing his dimples. Aidan holds onto his hand and smiles back at him.

"Ouch!" Aidan shouts. She looks at the floor where her foot is and notices that she had stepped on an object, it was a lid to a marker. Aidan picks up the object and walks to another room. She knocks on the door even though it was open, and walks into the bedroom. She walks over to the last title girl that was sitting in her chair and stands by her, placing the lid onto the table.
"I believe this is your marker lid." Aidan sighs looking at the child.
"That's not mine, that's Caleb's." The little girl lies, continuing to draw on a piece of paper.
"Addison Bailey Birlem, don't lie to me. I know this is your marker lid. Your brother doesn't even use markers, unless it's for school." Aidan states while looking at her daughter.
"Sorry mommy." Addy apologizes and hugs her mother's legs. Aidan picks up her daughter and hugs her.
"It's okay. Just never lie to me again, okay?"
"Yes mommy." Addy softly responds. Aidan placed the child back into her chair and walks out of the room leaving the child to proceed coloring. Aidan walks down the hallway and into the living room. She then sits down onto the couch and focuses on the television screen. She becomes a little startle when she hears a door opening along with loud footsteps.
"Mom! Mom! I got my football back." Caleb screams.
"That's great." Aidan smiles. Caleb walks out of the living room into the hallway. Joey then appears with a smile and stands in front of her. He pulls out a bouquet of flowers and hands them to Aidan.
"Joey, oh my, you did have to get me these." She smells then and smiles.
"Well after we collected the football, I thought about you and how you deserve something special."
"Joey I already received something special a long time ago and it was you." Aidan continues smiling. They close the space between each other and connect their lips together.
"Ew! Mom and dad are kissing. They both have cooties now! Run Caleb!" Addy shouts and runs out of the living room along with Caleb. Joey smirks at Aidan as she smirks at him and they run after them. Caleb and Addy run into Caleb's bedroom and hide by the bed becoming quiet. Joey and Aidan realize that they have become silent, so they stop running and quietly walk around in the boy's room. Joey walks in the direction of where the kids are hiding and finds them.
"Found you two!" He yells, picking them up and over his shoulders. Then he drops the two laughing children onto the bed and starts tickling them. He becomes exhausted.
"Phew, I'm tired." He stops tickling them and sits on the bed.
"If he is tired then that means it's time for you two to go to bed." Aidan says, pointing at the two children.
"Aw man." Addy says and changes her facial expression. Addy walks out of the bedroom and into her room, putting away her markers. Caleb climbs into bed and throws the cover over his body.
"Well goodnight mom and dad."
"Caleb. Phone please." Aidan lays her hand out. Caleb sighs and takes his phone out from under his pillow.
"Thank you very much sir." Aidan kisses his forehead. She walks over to the door as Joey ruffles his hair. Joey walks next to Aidan and turns off Caleb's bedroom light. Aidan shuts his door. They then walk into Addy's room, noticing that she was also in bed already and the last guy was off. They kiss and hug her goodnight and close the door. They walk to their bedroom and go to bed too. Aidan kisses Joey on the forehead and smiles.
"I love you. Our relationship was complicated at first, but now it's not. I'm glad I married you." Aidan continues smiling as she plays with Joey's hair. Joey connects their lips and smiles.
"I'm glad I have you in my life."

That is the last chapter to this book. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you guys so so much for reading my first ever book and I'm glad that you guys liked it. I remember when I had 200 reads and 4 or 5 votes and now I have 3.3k reads and 62 votes. That's crazy awesome. Love you all and bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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