Chapter 8

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"Aidan are up?" Her mom shouts as she makes breakfast.
"Yeah mom. For once I'm up and ready to go to school." Aidan walks downstairs into the kitchen greeting her mom with a fake smile.
"Are you okay Aidan?" Her mom ask and takes a sip of water from her cup.
"Yeah mom I'm perfectly fine. Now excuse me as I leave for school." Aidan throws away the empty plate and puts her backpack onto her back.
"Aidan. Please stop. Honey are you okay? What's wrong?"
Aidan turns around and sighs,"Mom. I. Am. Fine. Now. Goodbye." Aidan starts walking away until a hand grasps her wrist. She turns around and faces her mom.
"Aidan." Her mom looks at her. Aidan drops her backpack and sits down across from her mom at the table.
"Joey broke up with me again and I feel like it's all my fault."
"Honey, why do you think that it's your fault?" Her mom walks over to Aidan and hugs her.
"Apparently Joey said I never trusted him because every time he was talking to a girl, I presumed that he was cheating on me." Aidan rolls her eyes and grabs her backpack.
"Well Aidan, maybe you could stop jumping to conclusions and see how he is around these girls."
"That actually sounds like a great idea even thought it's way too late. Thanks mom. Love you." Aidan walks to the door before her mom stops her.
"You can't drive to school without these." Her mom holds the keys in her hand and tosses them to Aidan. Aidan catches the keys.
"Thanks mom." Aidan walks out the door and gets in the car, driving to school.

"Can I go bowling? I finished all of my homework including my essay." Aidan sits down next to her mom on the couch.
"All of it?" Her mom questions her.
"Yep. My homework from English and Math is completed and my science project that is due tomorrow is completed too." Aidan confidently states.
"Okay then. You can go."
"Thanks mom." Aidan smiles and walks out the door with her keys in her hand.

"The bowling ball rolls in a straight line and it hits the pins resulting a strike! Yes!" Aidan shouts with excitement. She sits down and takes a sip of her drink along with resting.
She looks out the corner of her eye and sees two familiar people entering the building. She turns and greets them with a smile and a wave. The runs over to her and hug her.
"Ok guys, if you hug me any longer, I will die." Aidan manages to say and the two boys studio hugging her.
"Sorry there Aidan." Dylan apologizes.
"What are you guys doing here?" She questions them and sits back down in the chair.
"We were done with homework and we thought of hanging out with someone. We called Annie, who is still doing homework, then Peyton, who has two projects to do because you know he's a procrastinator. After him we decided to go over to Camryn's house and she didn't want to come with us for some reason," Mark shrugs his shoulders.
"Then we drove to your house, but your mom told us that you went to the bowling alley, so we drove here and found you."
"You guys want to join me?" Aidan asks.

"Did you guys see that?! I beat both of you!"
"Guess what? I don't care." Aidan rolls her eyes and continues walking.
"Chill Aidan. It was just a game." Mark responds.
"Never tell a girl to chill." Aidan lightly pushes Mark away from her.
"Can you guys stop arguing?" Dylan interrupts and rolls his eyes.
"Fine." Aidan answers and notices that Mark is no longer walking next to her.
"Hey where did Mark go?"
"Boo!" Mark jumps in front of Aidan. Aidan jumps back almost falling.
"Mark Thomas? What the heck?!" Aidan yells.
"I was just trying to have some fun."
"Whatever." Aidan rolls her eyes.
Aidan started walking behind Mark. When the perfect time came she scared him. Aidan ran up behind Mark and jumps onto his back.
"Hello." Mark is startled and spins around with Aidan on his back still.
"You scared me."
"I'm sorry Mark I was just trying to have fun that's all." Aidan shrugs her shoulders and turns around and starts walking by Dylan's side.

"Hey guys, can we make one more stop before heading home? I see my favorite store up head."
"Yeah sure Dylan." Aidan says and sits down on a nearby bench. Mark nods his head at Dylan. Dylan walks into the store as Mark sits down on the same bench that Aidan is sitting at. Mark notices Aidan shivering and takes off his jacket and starts wrapping it around her. She quickly jumps and pushes the jacket away from her.
"Mark, don't do that. I'm fine." She continues to shiver.
"You are wearing a short sleeve shirt and shivering." Mark says.
"Yeah but do you not read those books or watch those movies where the boy that likes the girl takes off his jacket and wraps it around the girl?"
"Well this is reality and reality is different," Mark wraps his jacket around Aidan and lays back on the bench.
"We are also best friends so you don't have nothing to worry about." Mark states.

"Do you guys want to have a sleepover or not? Make up your minds before it gets too dark out here." Aidan sighs.
"Let's do it." Dylan says.
"Ok let's see if our parents will let us go. Hopefully." Mark says. Dylan hops out of the car and walks at the front of his house, opening the door. Aidan drives off and over to Mark's house to drop him off. Then Aidan drives back to her house and rushes inside.
"Hey mom can I sleep at Dylan's house? His mom doesn't mind." Aidan says as she gets her bag and puts her items in it. She doesn't hear her mom responds, so she walks around the house looking for her.
"She's not here Aidan." Her dad says.
"Where is she? Aidan asks him.
"She went to the store."
"Well since she is not here, dad can I go to Dylan's house?" She sits down in a chair.
"Did you finish your homework?"
"You can go," Her dad responds. Aidan hugs her dad and runs back up to her room to collect her bag. She runs outside and gets in her car. She drives back over to Mark's. Mark walks outside and hops into the passenger seat.
Aidan drives away from his home and finally makes it to Dylan's. They get out of the car and Mark knocks on the door. Dylan opens the door and lets them in.
"Sup guys. Who's ready to get this hangout started?" Dylan shouts.

"I'm getting tired." Aidan whines.
"First let's play a game." Mark says.
"Let's play Truth or Dare." Dylan suggests.
"I guess we can play a game before going to sleep." Aidan says.
"Dylan truth or dare?" Mark questions.
"Okay. How many girls have you dated in your whole life?" Mark questions Dylan.
"Two." Dylan answers.
"I thought you said that you get all the girls." Aidan laughs.
"I do. I just don't date all of them." Dylan responds.
"Okay Aidan truth or dare?" Dylan asks.
"I dare you to kiss Mark." Dylan smirks. Aidan looks at Mark.
"Nope. Ew." They both say at the same time.

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