「Part One」

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It's been ten years of isolation from the outside world. Ten years since your parents left you. Ten years since you was taken in to be nothing more than a helper who means nothing to these people. You couldn't be too bitter, though. If it wasn't for you being taken here, you probably would've died out in the world without having the care of your parents. You were only eight years old after all, you wouldn't know how to survive.

Nonetheless, now, at the age of eighteen, all you wished for was to experience the outside world. Not to just walk around the perimeter of the building under the supervision of one of the grunts. You wanted to meet new people and Pokemon- you wanted to actually feel alive. That was something you could never feel inside the Team Plasma building.

The only use you were for the Team Plasma leaders and grunts was someone to take care of their Pokemon. They claimed they were all for freeing Pokemon yet they forced theirs into battles that only got them badly injured. That's where your use came into play and to be honest, taking care of their Pokemon was something that gave you joy inside this horrible place.

"Hurry it up, will ya?" one of the grunts snapped at you. "Daydreaming won't help you fix up my Pokemon any faster."

"Sorry," you said quickly, returning your focus back to the two injured Pokemon before you. This grunt took his Patrat and Golbat to you very often due to the fact that he always allowed his Pokemon to get injured because of his foolish actions, often forcing them into battles where it was obvious they couldn't win.

"First these stupid Pokemon were useless to me and now she can't even do her damn job," he muttered angrily.

"Say what you want about me but don't blame your Pokemon for your mistakes. It's your fault that they got injured- not theirs," you snapped, sick of hearing grunts like him complain about how they think their Pokemon are useless.

"You only use around here is to shut up and heal our Pokemon. Be lucky you're still alive."

You opened your mouth to reply back but quickly shut it, not wanting to make things any worse for myself. You learned several times over the past ten years that talking back only succeeded in depriving you of food for three days and no access to any Pokemon; the only things in this hellhole that actually kept you sane.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes, my Pokemon better be completely healed by then or else," the grunt threatened, leaving the room before locking the door behind him.

You looked at the two injured Pokemon before you, them being just a couple of the many Pokemon in this place that you managed to befriend. If there was any Pokemon you were the closest with, it was definitely the Golbat that you were currently treating. You took care of that Golbat since they put you to use in here as the Pokemon nurse, taking care of it as far back as to when it was still just a Zubat. Its trainer treated it horribly, maybe even more so than he treated all of his other Pokemon. You were probably the only person in here who truly cared for it along with the other Pokemon.

"It's okay, guys," you told the Golbat and Patrat as you sprayed each of their wounds with a potion. "I know how strong the both of you really are."

They both chirped happily before they each jumped onto your shoulder. You laughed softly at their eagerness before you patted both of them, thankful as always to have their loving company. They deserved a better trained than the one they had now and you would make sure they got that better trainer.

"Don't worry, I'll get all of us out of here one day...."

The door suddenly swung open to reveal the same grunt as before arriving earlier than expected. The Pokemon quickly hopped off of you, but he had already seen and didn't look too pleased. He sneered at the affection that was given to his Pokemon from you, something they always lacked when they were stuck with him.

"I better not catch you stupid Pokemon closer to her than you should be. I'm your trainer, not her," he yelled.

"You sure as hell don't act like one," you told him, sick of hearing the way he speaks to his Pokemon.

"Listen here, you little bitch," he growled as he crossed the room towards you, not stopping until his face was directly in front of yours. "In any other circumstance, no one here would care if you suddenly... disappeared, something I would gladly make happen."

"Then why don't you make that happen?" you challenged, no longer caring what the consequences would be. You wanted out of this hellhole even if it meant death.

"Trust me, I'd love to make that happen. But.... Our leader has requested to see you," he muttered as he moved away, turning his back to me.

His leader? Could he really mean Ghetsis? You had heard the grunts talk about him so often all these years and you faintly remembered seeing him once as a child when you were first brought here, but why would he want to see you now? What could he possibly want with you?

"Don't get your hopes up thinking that you can so easily escape my wrath. When Ghetsis has no more use for you, which will happen eventually, I'll happily be the one to dispose of you."

You knew that threat was far from being a bluff and that worried you a little too much. What were you thinking to talk back? Was dying really worth escaping from here? You honestly didn't know at this point.

After the grunt returned his Pokemon into their Pokeballs, you silently followed him down the winding halls of the Team Plasma hideout. You haven't felt this nervous in years, but now you felt close to panicking all because you were finally about to meet the man who had enough power to bring you and keep you here for all these years without anyone ever knowing. The man who controls every single person in this place. The man who could easily kill you if need be.

The grunt pushed two doors open to reveal an enormous room with a man with green hair and blood red eyes sitting in the center on a throne-like chair. Even from all those years back you still recognized him. Ghetsis. Despite all of his speeches you heard about liberating Pokemon for their own good, you couldn't possibly imagine a man as cold as him doing anything good unless there was something in it for him.

You froze, suddenly terrified to enter that room and speak with that man. Without warning, the grunt roughly pushed you, causing you to stumble into the room in order to regain your balance. Not wanting to make a fool out of yourself again, you forced yourself to walk further into the room until you were at a reasonable distance away from the door.

"(Y/N)?" Ghetsis asked calmly, sounding almost bored.

You were shocked to hear your name leave his mouth. It's been so long since anyone here has addressed you by your name, it almost seemed foreign to you now.

"Y-yes?" you stuttered, still taken aback that he knew your name.

"Please, take a seat," he said as he motioned to a few chairs scattered around the room. "I have a proposition for you."

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