「Part Nine」

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Once again, you found yourself searching for N, but this time your intentions weren't for your own good. You worried for nothing else but his safety at that point. Ghetsis still needed him for his plans, but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't be left unscathed for the stunt he pulled. Every single grunt in this place wouldn't be pleased and especially not Ghetsis. He's already proved countless times that he cares for power far more than he does about his own son.

"Stop right there!" a grunt ordered as he jumped out in front of you.

Before he could release his Pokemon from the Pokeball he held in his hand, Crobat who stayed close behind you used Air Slash to knock the grunt out. This Crobat that you've cared for since it was Zubat was returning the favor for all the years you took care of it. As much as you hated seeing Pokemon battle, you couldn't help but be happy about what this Pokemon was doing for you.

Picking up the dropped Pokeball, you released the Pokemon from its containment to reveal a Sandile. It looked confused at first to see you were the one to release it and not its trainer, but also somewhat relieved.

"It's okay now," you reassured it. "You're free. Go escape this rotten place."

Like all the other Pokemon you rescued on the way, the Sandile quickly started making its way towards the nearest exit. The Pokemon you did manage to save wasn't nearly close to all the Pokemon that were confined in the Team Plasma headquarters, but it was a start. It was enough to give you hope that it was possible.

You continued to run blindly through the winding halls. Despite the fact that you practically grew up here, you had been confined to only a small section of the place. This was territory you had never been in and you only hoped that you found N soon before you became even more hopelessly lost. Or even worse, the grunts catch you again.

As you rounded yet another corner, a sigh of relief escaped your mouth when you saw his ever so familiar long, green hair. He was surrounded by grunts and two of them were even holding him down. Among that, Ghetsis was nowhere in sight.

"N!" you called, a wide smile appearing on your face.

"(Y/N)!" he called back, but his voice didn't possess the happiness that yours did.

It was obvious that he feared your well-being among all the grunts that were there, but you didn't fear them one bit. Not anymore. You had all your trust placed in Crobat to protect you. There was no need to order it around like a slave such how the grunts and most trainers do. There was a true bond between the two of you; a bond that couldn't be broken as long as you had faith in it.

"Not so fast!" one of the grunts told you as he reached for his Pokeball.

He barely had his hand wrapped around it when Crobat attacked, leaving him unconscious like all of the other grunts before him. One by one, Crobat knocked out every grunt that dared to get too close to you until it was only you and N standing. The second the last grunt that was holding him down dropped, he ran over and quickly swept you up in a big hug.

"I'm so happy you're alive," he breathed as his hands cupped your cheeks. "How were you able to escape?"

"I'll tell you that later. For now, we have to go," you said quickly as you pulled away from his grasp and went to each fallen grunt to release their Pokemon.

"Go? But there's still so many more Pokemon here left to save," he told you, his face solid with determination.

"The grunts that Crobat knocked out for me earlier have surely woken up by now and recruiting more people to come after us. Even with Crobat protecting me, even it can't take out that many grunts at once."

"But the Pokemon-"

"Will be fine until we're ready to strike back here. If we stay here and try to keep saving them, we'll release what? Maybe ten Pokemon? After that, they'll catch us and then what good will we be for the Pokemon? It's best for everyone that we leave now and make a plan."

N stayed silent and weighed his options. You knew he wasn't pleased about this idea, but it was the only possible way the two of you would be able to rescue every last Pokemon here. Even he could see that.

"I'll never stop until I save every last Pokemon here," he said.

Grasping his hand and giving it a light squeeze, you looked into his emerald green eyes and smiled at his determination.

"Neither will I. We'll accomplish this together."

15 Days Until Freedom「N x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now