「Part Four」

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When you woke up the next morning, you quickly threw on the spare clothes that Nurse Joy gave you along with running a brush once through your hair before scrubbing your teeth and booking it out the door. You already accomplished the hardest part of this job in a matter of three days; find N. Now all you had to do was get close to him and make him trust you. How hard could that be?

You skidded to a halt when you reached the main lobby of the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy, who was sitting behind the counter, was startled by your sudden entrance.

"Good morning, (Y/N)," she said as she regained her composure.

"Morning," you replied quickly. "Do you know where that guy from last night is?"

"Oh, he went to the woods a few hours ago. He's probably still there."

He left a few hours ago? It was only 6 A.M. and he just arrived at the Pokemon center late last night. How much sleep did he even get between that little time? It definitely wasn't much.

With a quick "thanks", you left the center and headed towards the direction of the forest. Even after already finding N, you had to go look for him all over again. You couldn't risk losing him this easily again. If he ever left town without you knowing you'd be screwed.

You were quite hesitant to head into the forest again. He would surely come back to the Pokemon center once the sun had set, right? But then again, what would you do for the rest of the day if you weren't with him? For the sake of getting things done quickly, it was in your best interest to spend the day with him.

As you stepped into the woods, a smile instantly appeared on your face as you both saw and heard the Pokemon residing there. The Pokemon stared at you intently as you traveled on the path, venturing deeper into the woods. As much as you wanted to interact with all the Pokemon there, you knew it would be best to find N first. That was until and injured Pokemon stumbled in front of you.

The poor Sewaddle had obviously just been in a battle and needed care right away. As you got on your knees to pick it up, the Pokemon quickly backed away from you with a look of fear.

"It's okay," you reassured calmly. "I only want to help you feel better. Just let me take care of you."

Sensing your pure intentions, the Sewaddle hesitantly moved closer to you, not resisting when you gently picked it up and held it in your arms. Being able to take a better look at the injuries, you deducted that they weren't serious enough to have to bring it to Nurse Joy to take care of.

"I think you just need an oran berry and then you'll be fine," you told the Sewaddle, petting its head softly before delving deeper in the woods to find a berry tree.

After about twenty minutes of wandering with the Sewaddle rested safely in your arms, you finally stumbled upon a bush which grew the oran berries needed to help the Pokemon. You carefully placed the Pokemon on the ground before approaching the berry bush, but before you were able to pick an oran berry off of it, a Galvantula crawled out from behind it, not looking too pleased at all.

"I'm so sorry," you quickly apologized, realizing that this bush belonged to the angry Pokemon before you. "I just wanted a berry to help this injured Sewaddle, I didn't know this was your bush."

Your apology didn't seem to have any effect on the Galvantula, its only response being an angry noise emitted from its mouth and jabbing two of its thin legs at you. You quickly took a step back out of fear knowing that this Pokemon could indeed harm you. As it took a step closer to you continuing to jab its legs at you, you stumbled and fell on your butt. You could feel the frightened Sewaddle shaking behind you, the only thing you wanted to do in that situation was to comfort it.

"Please don't hurt the Sewaddle," you begged the Galvantula. "It's already injured enough and I was the one by your bush, not it, so please don't hurt it."

Ignoring your desperate attempt to protect the Sewaddle, it made one more angry noise before lunging at you. You quickly shielded the small Pokemon, bracing for the powerful impact of the Galvantula that was sure to come. Except it never did.

After a few moments, you finally realized that the Pokemon never attacked. Slowly looking up, you saw a man with long green hair crouching in front of a now happy looking Galvantula as he gently patted it.

"N?" you asked surprised,

He froze, his body noticeably stiffening making you wonder if you had said something wrong. Before you could think on that any longer, he turned his head towards you, his face looking as soft as ever.

"This Pokemon is just a little territorial, that's all," he said before turning his attention back to it. "I'm sorry she trespassed, but I promise she meant no harm. She only wanted to help that injured Pokemon so would it be okay if I could take a berry from your bush?"

The Galvantula quickly nodded, backing away from the bush to allow N to get to it. You watched him in awe as he carefully picked the berry from the bush and handed it to you, snapping you out of your daze.

"Thanks," you said quickly before turning to the Sewaddle and holding out the berry to it which it happily ate.

"Will he need to be taken to Nurse Joy?" he asked, looking concerned for the Pokemon.

"No, its injuries weren't too serious, it should be fine after eating the berry," you replied, a small smile pulling at your lips from watching the positive effects of the berry kick in.

"He," N corrected softly.

"Excuse me?"

"He. This Pokemon's a male."

"How do you know?" you questioned.

"The same way I was easily able to calm down the Galvantula you angered; I can speak with Pokemon- hear what they say to be exact."

You were so tempted to write that off as a blatant lie, but when you thought about it, it was possible. How the hell was he able to calm that Galvantula down so easily? And it would make sense why Team Plasma wanted N so badly. Ghetsis didn't come off as the loving fatherly type, there must've been another reason why he wanted his son back so badly. This was it.

"I can believe that," you said honestly. He looked slightly taken aback by that, but then he smiled.

"I heard what you said before, about how the Galvantula should attack you and not the Sewaddle. Most humans aren't as selfless as that- they'd hide behind their Pokemon and let them get injured," he said, stopping for a moment. A pained look spread across his face just from the thought of it. "I knew you were different from the moment we met, but now I can really tell that's true. You also obviously know a lot about taking care of Pokemon so I have on thing to ask; will you join me on my journey to protect Pokemon?"

You stared at him with eyes wide from shock. That was probably the last thing you expected him to say. Join him? It would be the smartest thing to do, that way you would always know where he is, always be with him. That was a surefire way to get him to undoubtedly trust you.

"I'd love to."

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