「Part Six」

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Three more days wasted on contemplating a decision you already knew you would make. Three days left and you still haven't worked up the courage to do what you truly wanted. All the possibilities played through in your mind and almost all of them were awful.

You wouldn't be surprised if N got angry after he found out what you were truly doing here and you would lose the first person you've grown so close to... On the other hand, if you didn't tell N, you knew you still wouldn't have the heart to bring him back. The only way you could see that situation playing out is the Team Plasma grunts finding you and N and bringing the both of you back to that hellhole.

No. Even if it meant the risk of losing the one person you cared most about, you would still tell him. Not to save yourself, but to save him. He deserved that much from you.

"Hey, N?" you called hesitantly to the man sitting a few feet away from you.

He was absentmindedly fiddling with his necklace. He seemed deep and thought and you almost felt bad interrupting that.

"Hmm?" he replied, his gaze never lifting up.

"I... I need to tell you something."

His emerald green eyes slowly started to move up until they reached your (E/C) ones. A small, sad smile appeared on his face before he spoke his next words.

"When do we leave?" he asked quietly.

"W-what?" you stuttered.

"It's okay, (Y/N). I already knew Ghetsis sent you," he said softly.

"But, how?"

"That day I saved you from the Galvantula you called me by my name. I know I never told you it the night before, I'm careful with it."

You knew he was intelligent but you never imagined this. All this time you were worried about him finding out your secret and hating you for it, but he knew all this time and still let you camp with him and grew so close to you...

"Why didn't you leave the moment you realized that then?" you asked.

"Like I've told you before; you're different. I can't see you working for Team Plasma willingly, you're too kind for that. Ghetsis must be offering you something important for this and if it means that much to you, I want you to have it."

He never asked what it was. Even so, you felt like he deserved to know.

"My freedom," you whispered. "I've been living in the Team Plasma headquarters for ten years. I know firsthand how cruel they are to their Pokemon despite what they preach. Ghetsis told me that if I find you and bring you back that he'll give me my freedom."

Silence washed over the two of you. Tears were brimming in your eyes but you didn't know why. Perhaps it was because this would probably be the last day you'd get to spend with him? He surely wouldn't still want you to travel with him even if you could.

With shaky hands, you slowly unclasped the necklace Ghetsis had given you and placed it on the ground. Your body felt robotic and it felt as if you had no control over what you were about to do, but it was what you wanted all the same. Picking up a small rock, you raised it up before slamming it down onto the necklace and destroying the tracker that was inside.

"What did you do?" N asked suspiciously as he stood up and walked over to you.

"You have to run," you told him, a tear slipping down your cheek. "I just broke the tracker. They'll be coming for me now and you can't be here when they arrive."

"I can't do that. You deserve your freedom."

"And you don't?" you countered, your voice cracking.

More silence. More time wasted that he couldn't afford.

"Go with me," he finally said as he placed his hands on your shoulders. "We can both have our freedom."

"They'll find us, though."

He hesitated for a moment. He looked just as pained as you felt.

"Perhaps. But at least then they would find us together."

You shook your head quickly, the tears pouring down your face. "I can't let them find you. I can't-"

He suddenly cut you off, but not with any words. To your surprise, he pressed his lips against yours. Slowly, he moved his lips against yours which you quickly mimicked. His hands moved into your hair as he carefully tangled his fingers in the strands while your arms wrapped around his neck.

The kiss lasted a minute before he finally pulled away breathless. You pressed your forehead against his and you knew that you both felt the same. Neither of you could leave each other. Neither of you wanted to leave each other.

"Now let's run."

15 Days Until Freedom「N x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now