what's This?

59 4 4

****¡Trigger Warning!****

'Ugh...what the fuck?' I looked down at my side, my face grim and smudged in pain, my bandages were bloody, "what?" I panicked and looked looked, 'oh yea, last night' I shuddered, 'the computer, i'll check it later' I thought to myself, I got up groggily and dragged myself to the bathroom to change the bandages, ever so carefully I took them out, the sight was gruesome, a jagged line was cut across, the scabs around it looking revolting, that was going to leave a nasty scar. I quickly cleaned it and put new ones on, cautious not to open the cut again, and quickly changed, 'it's Saturday!' that meant I won't have to go anywhere! I sighed in relief. I looked over the computer again, contemplating if I should look now, my curiosity got the best of me and I headed over.


Congrats to you my dear! I must say you knocked him out in a nasty manner, I must say, he was not pleased when he woke up. The next creepypasta will be unexpected, a fair warning to you, but I will not say who it will be. But you will figure it out soon, it will be, shocking! Until next time, if you manage.


This guy sure is enjoying this. Fuck him and his games, so I sent him a message of my own.


I will appreciate it if you stop this madness! I never agreed in the first place, I being a human being only clicked it because I thought of it as a JOKE, so I ask nicely, please stop, get a life, I don't know how you pulled that prank last night, but I certainly did not enjoy it, what would your parent's think? Goodbye.

message sent,
Message read,

That fast already? What is it with this person?



I am afraid that will not happen, please take this seriously, or a very unpleasant suprise will be sent your way to you and loved ones, I would take respect towards elders, what would YOUR mother think? Good day...


This guy is pissing me off, how the hell did he get my email? And the fuck is it with the unpleasant surprise?! I doubting this is a prank, last night seemed too real. What would explain the cut? That I tripped and fell? My family would see through my lies. I need help, I can't do this alone. I glared at the screen while thinking, but gave up afterwards and turned off the computer, my mother would be calling me down for breakfast soon, I made sure to hide the visible cuts and bruises with a bit of foundation and extra clothing, and just when I finished covering the last wound, I was called down for breakfast.

"mom I got a package from someone!" Macy yelled from the front door,
"There's a game inside and some console!" she sped to her room with the box without a good morning and plugged everything to her t.v, and closed the door.

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