- k-idol

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"Were you guys at the back the whole time?"
"um yeaaa " rapmon said.
"and you saw-"
"yep we did," rapmon said feeling guilty.

You were totally embarassed and looked down so they wont see your reddish face.

"hey its okay! you were really cute! Actually you were pretty good, we were actually thinking of asking you-"
"out," taehyung whispered.

Jimin elbowed his hips to tell him to stop flirting. Rapmon ignored and went on with his unfinished statement.

"if you wanted to become a k-idol."

"Actually, ive always wanted to be one but I never got the opportunity to audition. I can't believe my dream is coming true! My answer's yes ! "

Everyone cheered to your answer, Jin even treat us to pizza.We sat around the dance studio and get to know it each other , mostly with taehyung since he kept interrupting your conversations with the others.

Then you noticed taehyung holding on to the phone that belongs to the other guy so you walked up to him and asked about it.

"umm actually this is my phone and thats my manager , we didnt want people to get all crazy so we had to do it this way. Please dont get mad"
He shields himself thinking you would have beaten him up but instead you laughed.

Why? because a celebrity with his own face as his lockscreen , not those selfies but the full on model picture was pretty hilarious.

"Wae? why are you laughing?" he said while giggling.
"ITS HARD TO EXPLAIN HAHAHAH" we both laughed like two loosed monkeys.

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