A/N - HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Important)

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Well, before I start my congratulations, I want to say something...

You know, today I was at the last concert this year and still, when I played, I couldn't help myself but to think - even though this year was quite a success for me, it was still heartbreaking - I lost so many precious people - some were close friends of my family and some were people I hadn't met but loved for their talent, views and personality, for what they taught and gave to me - hope, self-belief and courage. Not only I but many others lost so much - part of their souls. That happens when a certain celebrity dies - I didn't say "part of soul" in accident - when you watch someone like them, listen to their words of wisdom they, like a medicine, help your soul; you look up to these people, you start to care for them. They are not only idols but your friends bonded by soul, motivations connecting yourselves to them, no matter how long the distance can be. They might not know about your existence but they know that you are one of those huge part of people that call themselves their fans and they're proud of it and in their heart, they love you. But of course, we love them more, we care for them, we admire them for what they are, without a mask or a make-up, offscreen they are one of us, their simplicity makes them so pure and so greater. How many times have they made us laugh, brought us from depression and etc. For these and other reasons they become our escape, our help and hope. I'll proudly say that it's been an honor for me to be their fan, having have admired their talent and having have looking up for them, hoping for then and caring for them. They were my long-time, distant, wise friends that I'll miss so much. Everybody will. Just one moment, one conversation, one smile was enough to lightenup my day. This year took away so many talents. I just wish that even though no great talent can be replaced or someone can be like them ever - No. I just wish that other young talents will fill up the loss by appearing on the stage. Life doesn't end - it continues by recruiting. Generations change and talent and beauty never ceases existing. There are certain people who help them to prosper and blossom.

Thank you David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Carrie Fisher, George Michael, Prince, Muhammad Ali, Harper Lee, Leonard Cohen, Anton Yelchin for your words, smiles, moments, wise words and hope and courage that made us believe, laugh and to love. You'll be missed <3 RIP <3

As for the living birthday legend, I wish a happy birthday to Stan Lee - Live long man! You are our hope. Stay as cool as you are <3

I hope I managed to say my word. Thank you!

#RIP #2k16 #celebritydeaths #carriefisher #ripcarriefisher #prince #ripprince #muhammadali #ripmuhammadali #alanrickman #ripalanrickman #davidbowie #ripdavidbowie #leonardcohen #ripleonardcohen #harperlee #stanlee #happybirthdayharperlee #llap #antonyelchin #ripantonyelchin

And now, back to the story:

Despite a huge grief, this year was a success for me, well not really a success, more like much happiness-bringing. FIrst of all, I met amazing friends, had succesful concerts and meetings and this was the year where I started my ,,career" as a writer - author, being a fan of Star Wars, I started to write this story -,,Two Halves of a Whole" and believe me, I never was nor I am now writing this story for gaining audience, reads and votes. This is the story that I myself love to work on, I love when I think about it and when the spark of inspiration comes and I add more details to it. I love working on it, then I love reading it myself. I know it's not a masterpiece, it still needs improving, I'm not a native speaker so when I find or learn something new, I always rush here to change and improve the idea so it'll become more realistic and enjoyable. And in such a process, english became my mother language - I almost know it better than Georgian which is partly a shame (patriotic reasons XD) and partly good. The main thing is that I want the readers to enjoy reading and exploring it as much as I do! Believe me, I never thought I could hit 11k reads and 600 likes! It's a miracle and it's a New Year (Christmas) present from all of you! Thank you so much for this! It makes me soo happy that you like it! And it gives me more courage and energy to do more so we can together enjoy it! Thanks for sticking with me this long! I don't plan on abandoning this story so quickly! It's just the fact that the imagines pulled me back and I don't want to betray the requesters too, so if you have time, go check my imagines and request books! :) Hope you like it as much as you enjoy this book!

Two Halves Of A Whole (Kylo Ren X Reader X General Hux)  [ #Wattys2016 ]Where stories live. Discover now