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"Amira, slowly remember you just left the hospital." I could hear Michal almost screaming at me as I moved quickly  towards my house.

As I opened it, it looked just like I left it. Except Zaxi.

Earlier today, I had got discharged from hospital, and Michal had brought me home. It was surprising he knew where my house was. Strange I knew so little about this guy, searching the house for any clues with me. I looked around ignoring the dirty clothes, old dishes and furniture's covered with dust.

As I was searching my room, I heard Michal calling for me. I walked towards him. he sat on my brother's bed. As I walked inside the room, I noticed the blue colour in the bed sheets fading, I noticed how dark the room actually was due to the dark blue curtain. I walked towards the curtain and drew them open. It had been a long time since this room had some sunshine in it.

The room instantly brightened up. I sat near Michal as he handed me a small paper. It said,

"You will find what you are looking for, at the place where you hide your bae."

"You have a bae? Is it something you love?" Michal asked.

I did not answer him rather got up and moved towards the kitchen. I remember I often used to call a bottle of Nutella my bae, and hid it from Jacob. As I searched the cupboards of the kitchen, Michal followed me.

We had an odd cupboard which was made on the ceiling. It had old stuff and we never used it. I only used to hide Nutella or answer sheets. As I tried climbing, Michal held me by my waist and brought me closer to him, and slowly made me sit on a cushion nearby. And climbed instead, he took out an empty bottle of Nutella.

He gave the bottle to me and as I opened it I found another note.

"You won't find what you are looking for so soon, darling. Go to the place where you first the better half of you."

It's the park I said, I remembered Hanna calling herself the better half of me. It had to be Hanna. As I handed him the paper and left for the park. I remember I first met Hanna near sea saw. Well unlike others, we were poles apart, very different maybe that's what made us good friends.

Due to the fire, my skin had second degree burns and thus whenever I move it reminded me of its existence, as I slowly dragged my body towards the park, I recalled the incident, the time when I met her. It was years ago, when I was sitting alone in the park and watching the sun set, well she was busy playing with a ball all alone. When she saw me sitting alone, she approached me, I refused as I wanted to see the sun set. Instead of leaving she sat near me and saw the magnificent red headed sun set. Later we both played and spoke a lot. Though we spoke less and argued more, she never left my back.

I had reached the park and Michal stood beside me wondering what I was going to do next. I was not exactly predictable, not exactly friendly, maybe that who I am. I walked towards the spot where we had first sat and saw the beautiful view. The park hadn't changed much, as I reached the spot, I found a cap of a bottle buried in the soil.

As Michal found me staring it, he bent down and slowly started digging it, and gave the bottle to me. The bottle had a message inside it. It said.

"We saw the father of flames here. These flames took everything you had. You have everything you need, just search, you will find it in someone you just found. "

Well it was pretty clear that the person knew about the attack and almost everything about my life up till now, but who could be that someone who I just found.

I looked down at Michal, could it possibly refer it to him. I showed him the piece of paper and soon, he checked his pockets, but nothing was to be found. Then he received a text from an unidentified number. He read it, "Come to the place where you once feared, where you visit to overcome your fear. Come and bring your love along."

Though each word made complete sense, I could not reciprocate what it meant. I looked at Michal, who now looked a little confused and a little embraced. I didn't say anything for he understood what I felt and what I wanted to know. He opened his mouth but it seemed as if words didn't want to leave his mouth, he took a deep breath and continued, "I was afraid of rides in amusement parks, that's the only place where I spend time overcoming my fear." But before I could say anything he continued.

"There is possibly only one amusement park which I used to go, but it had been shut about two years ago." He said.

"Perfect, let's go there now." I said.

Soon we headed towards the amusement park in his car, as soon as we reached there, I started walking towards it. As Michal had informed it had been closed, and all that remained were broken parts of the rides. The gate was closed and I was in no state to jump or climb. I stood there helpless, but I knew this was just a small obstruction, I tried climbing, and when I felt a hand on my waist as I slowly lifted me and put my back in the ground.

"You don't need to help me, I am fine on my own." As I moved forward I felt his hand on my shoulder, he made me stop. Jumped to the other side of the gate and opened it, without uttering a word. It felt strange because it felt homely when he touched me. With him it felt like I have known him for a long time. But soon these thoughts left my mind as we headed towards the wreckage.

We searched all the places for any movement, any human existences. This place felt as if it was cut off from the whole world. As we continued it walk, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, but I knew it was not Michal.

For he was walking in front of me.

As I turned around, I found a woman. A woman who had cheated me like the rest. A woman full of mysteries. For the dead had returned.

It was Gaurie. Ma'am Gaurie.

But what surprised me more was who stood behind her.


{P.S guys I know you might not remember Gaurie, she is the teacher who was killed in the attack. The original owner of Zaxi. Though her body had not been found it the spot, it was assumed she did not survive.}

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