If Dreams Are A Wish Your Heart Makes, I Guess My Heart Wants You

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Laura's POV

What makes a dream, a dream?

Is it the impossible situations you find yourself in when dreaming?

Or does it have to be something your heart desires most to be even considered a dream?

As Cinderella beautifully put it, A Dream is a Wish your heart makes.
Don't sue me.

But hopefully by the time you turned 15 you realized wishes don't just come true.

You can't just ask a shooting star, throw money into a fountain, or blow out some candles to get your wish granted.

No, you usually have to work hard to achieve a dream.

So, are dreams just motivation to be your best self in order to obtain that wish and make it into reality?

But what about those who no longer dream?

Have they lost all motivation what so ever to go get what they really want?

In that case what do nightmares do to the human motivational system?

Do they put doubts into the dreamers' mind causing them to lose hope?

Can an old dreamers' heart be restored with some help?

Fuck now I'm depressed.

Don't worry old Dreamers I shall avenge you all.

Yeah, actually, I probably won't I just don't have that type of time.

Oh whale 🐳.

I guess you can't help everyone.

I'm thinking too much.....again.

You see, this train of thought kind of made its way to the station when I woke up this morning at around 12:00pm.

The dream I had was....uh... let's just say it wasn't dry.

No, I didn't wet the bed, but something was wet.

That's all I'm going to say about that.

Anyway, the main character in my dream was a certain blonde who I should NOT be thinking about like that.

Ellen Degeneres.

Just kidding, it was Lynch.

Yeah, he's attractive and admittedly one of the hottest guys I've ever dated, but he's my ex.

So why am I dreaming about having hot, steamy, probably illegal in some countries, sex with the asshole?!

And yes, I've obviously have had sex with him before. Multiple times.

Maybe it was some of the best sex I've ever had.

Maybe it wasn't.

It 'twas.

But that's not the point! The point is, I should not be dreaming about him.

We're just friends.

Plus I haven't even talked to him since the whole, "Close your fucking doors", fiasco last week.

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