Part 18

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Mary and Duli's wedding came and followed the customs of the dwarves with long drinking games and lots of meat. they mainly ate and yelled since everyone was trying to yell louder than everyone else. Alex took a sip of the water she had drawn and smiled as Arthur was pulled into another hug by another group of Dwarves.  most of them had introduced themselves to be people from the mines that he saved, she didn't know how he did it. he shrugged most of it off, and handed some of the money that he was given to other people. Thdiir bumped her shoulder playfully and she turned her attention to him.

"What?" she asked.

"You're zoning off again." he teased.

"Sorry, how are you enjoying the party?" she asked.

"Not a bit, it's nothing like Elven weddings. when two elves get married it is for eternity, we have special rituals and after we have a banquet and a small party. nothing like this mess." he replied with a smile.

afterwards Thdiir was wisked away to his sister and Hannar, who spoke in elvish. she wished she knew how to speak it so she  could understand.

"Sara!" Henry exclaimed running after Arthur's little sister.

Sara laughed and raced past, Henry and Brenin following behind. she smiled and looked to Ethiel who was still trying to impress Elizabeth but it wasn't working. she silently stood and slipped out of the party, she walked down the silent streets and walked to the edge of the town. behind her the Dwarven fortress loomed over her, she looked to her side and noticed Sapphire standing alone. she walked over, and Sapphire looked at her, worry written all over her face.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked.

"Nothing, i just feel like where we are going is a really bad idea.

"Well that isn't nothing. tomorrow we are leaving, early in the morning we should get some rest."Alex added, shaking off the bad feeling Sapphire was letting on.

Sapphire nodded and turned around, walking to the home they shared with the rest of Arthur's family. Alex looked back to the valley and sighed before following.

the next day they woke earlier than everyone, Alex was already downstairs and saddling Tuor by the time the others had gotten up. Sapphire worked silently, gathering the maps she had drawn and put them in a satchel. Thdiir walked over to her and smiled, handing Alex her blade. she took it and strapped it on before mounting. Thdiir jumped on behind her and nodded to the others. Sapphire rode behind Arthur on Shad and she tried to hide the look of worry from her face. Elena and Jonathan were ready and it took them a little while to get a drunk Henry on to his horse. Lucas nodded that they were ready and Arthur headed out, Sapphire leading them into the mountains.

the further up they climbed the more fog gathered, trees cast weird shadows and shapes on the ground. the uneasy silence engulfed them, even Drunk Henry didn't say anything. Alex looked around, on her edge ready for anything to jump out and attack them. everyone was on edge with at least one hand on their weapons, Sapphire pointed to the path in deeper fog and they walked through it. the paths seemed the exact same and Alex wondered if they were going in circles. darkness stretched high above them like a cloud and they stopped when everyone began to yawn.

"How much further?" Elena asked, the first to speak.

"two days, i think." Sapphire answered.

"i don't think i can handle two more days." Henry muttered.

Alex couldn't agree more with him, the fog lay over them like a sticky blanket and hid the night sky. they all set up a quick camp, sleeping next to each other and trying to block out the strange noises.

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