Part 27

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as the days went on Alex found that more and more nobles that claimed to be their allies came to Nineth. she often asked Nuomor or Thdiir but they both gave her the same answer; to gain new allies. she sighed and walked down the halls, the gown she was forced to wear was nothing like the loose short ones that she had grown accustomed too. still she loved her castle, a few private tutor's had been hired for Henry, Lucas, Arthur, Arthur's brothers and Sapphire who were not used to the royal life. so Alex spent her days walking and being utterly alone. Thdiir always had some elven meeting he had to attend that she was not invited to listen in on. other times Elena was trying to educate Sapphire on how a lady acts in court. or the boys were off training and it was not alright for her to train with them.

she almost missed her old English life, so she went to reading and befriending the staff that had been given as gifts from many different people. as she rounded a corner she saw Al standing and looking out to the open court, he looked up to her and bowed. she rolled her eyes and brushed past him.

"Alex, may i have a word with you?" Al demanded.

"I am rather busy." she stated.

"Doing what nothing? please, i will not take much of your time." he answered.

she sighed and turned to face him. the scowl on her lips showing that she was being held there against her will. she folded her arms in front of her and waited for what he was about to say to her. he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You are not going to like this, but i have reason to believe that Jonathan is grave digging." he whispered.

"And what gave you such a stupid idea?!" she snapped.

"Because he leaves the castle at night with a shovel, and in the morning he returns all dirty. if you don't believe me, check your self." he hissed before storming off.

she looked out and shook her head  not believing a word he said. she sighed and then continued on her way. the door to the tower was thrown open abruptly making her stop or else be hit in the face. Jonathan stormed out, she could see angry tears running down his face. Nuomor ran after him trying to 'make him see reason'. maybe Al had been saying the truth, she looked at the two walk down the hall and disappear.

later that night she stayed up, ready and prepared to check Jonathan's room. she set the chair by the door and waited, the door slightly open so that she could look out. for hours nothing happened, her eyes began to drift closed when the creaking of a door sounded. her eyes flew open in seconds and she watched as Jonathan ran out of his room, pulling on his cape. he had a small shovel in his hand as if he were going to dig something. she jumped up and grabbed her own cloak before following him out.

she kept her distance so that he wouldn't notice she was behind him, he led her outside to the side of the castle. there was a small trial that they took and he stopped at a head stone, she froze now seeing where he was heading.

"You must think me mad, coming here of all places at the dead of night." Jonathan said, whipping his nose with his sleeve.

"Jonathan, what's going on?" she asked softly stepping out from the shadows.

"He told me there was a way to bring her back, even for a little bit, i wanted to do it but now he says that it would kill me." he replied softly, his voice cracking.

"Jonathan this isn't right, she's in a better place!" she exclaimed.

"But i am not!" he shouted.

she stopped talking, her heart was beating quicker at this flash of anger and obsession. his fists were so tightly clenched, but they loosened up. he turned to face her, tears running down his cheeks.

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