Chapter Two

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Hello beautiful reader ^.^ I hope you like this chapter even though it's a bit boring, it's kinda necessary. Love, Grey.

 It had been a week and six days since Evon had been taken down to the police station and questioned about the death of Mathieu Beauregard. She could remember the slickness of her palms and the way her tummy turned as she panicked under the harsh policemen’s gazes. It turned out she hadn’t even known the handsome boy who had been killed. He had been up in Detroit from New Orleans for some unknown reason and unfortunately he had crossed paths with the wrong person. The policemen had tried to shake her by showing her pictures of the crime scene, his pale hair scattered around his head making him look almost like a sleeping angel, but the hunk of wood sticking out of his chest and the red that had spilled around him ruined the image. Without any reason to suspect Evon they released her to her mother and thanked her for her help, even though she was certain that she couldn’t have been of any use to them. The image still haunted her dreams, every night she pictured it and tried not to throw up when she was thrown out of her sleeping state.

 She was staring down at her hands when her phone rang, ‘I’m sexy and I know it!’ exploding from her phone and shaking her out of her thoughts. She wasn’t even sure how long she had been just staring at her hands, but she let out a sigh and answered it on its second run through before it would go to voicemail.

 “Hello?” She asked, her voice rough from not speaking for a while.

 “Hey, babe you sound like death.” Sage commented, her voice chipper as ever.

 Evon let out a soft chuckle. “What do you need, Callingbull?”

 “Man, right to the point.” She muttered, probably rolling her eyes. “I wanna go on a trip.”

 Evon felt her eyebrows raise. “To where?” She asked incredulously.

 Sage let out a huff. “I don’t know!”

“That’s great, Sage. Looks like a fool proof plan to me.” She teased, a small smile working its way onto her face.

 “That was why I called! Think of some wicked cool places and we’ll go to at least one of them!” She demanded loudly, Evon could practically hear her pouting. “This is my first ‘adult’ summer to do anything I want and my parents will pay for it!”

 Evon fell silent, wondering where she wanted to go. She knew that there would be very few places off limits with the Callingbulls bankrolling the party, but she didn’t know what she wanted to do. Evon had been relatively focused as of late on trying to figure out which college didn’t look too bad to her, narrowing it down to just a few, but she was figuring that she would probably end up at Wayne State because it kept her close to her mother and so that didn’t leave her time to be thinking about trips and wild adventures.

 “Hello? Earth to Even. Are you there?” Sage questioned in a silly voice.

 Evon cleared her throat. “Um, yeah. I’ll have to get back to you on that. I actually have to go to work.”

 “Fine.” Sage grumbled.



 Evon got ready for work as quickly as she could, hurrying to get to R.U.B. BBQ Pub (A/N: Yes this is a real restaurant in Detroit and it is pretty great in my opinion.) where she worked under the table as a waitress. It worked out rather well for everyone involved; the owner wouldn’t have to offer her health care, dental, or pay minimum wage and she collected pretty great tips and had good hours. Today she would only be working a few hours where a girl had to leave for a doctor appointment or something, she wasn’t sure, but then again she didn’t ask. She was getting hours in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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