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a/n: if this gets a decent amount of hits ill probably continue it but this chapter is SO pretentious and fake deep but it'll get better i promise
sometimes, at the right moment, when our lungs fill with smoke and when the sun's light hits floating dust particles to create visible rays of sunshine on a warm sunday morning, we really are the center of the universe.
josh was the center of the universe at this moment. he inhaled the smoke of his joint and took the high into his body, exhaling worries and sorrow. the 11:00 los angeles sun shone through the broken windshield of his beaten up sedan, dusty rays hitting him right on the heart and warming him. josh loved mornings like these, mornings where he could forget who he was and feel like starting over, where he didn't have to pretend he was calm and happy because he just was, his mind wasn't moving but he felt like the physical embodiment of warmth and joy.

sometimes, at the right moment, when our lungs fill with frigid air and when the snow whips against your face on dreary sunday mornings, we really are the center of the universe.
tyler was the center of the universe at this moment. he inhaled the frigid air of december into his lungs, feeling the fractals of ice freeze the bronchi and burn his nose. the 8:00 columbus sun was nowhere to be found as he waded through the treacherous snow that was now seeping into his boots. tyler hated mornings like these, mornings where everything that ever went wrong in his 21 years of living weighed heavy on his shoulders, where in his heart he cursed the many people who did him wrong, where he didn't have to pretend to be happy because he was the only idiot who would walk eight miles in a snowstorm just to get away from his parents' bickering and shouting and fighting so goddammit, he could sulk and curse as much as he fuckin' pleases, where his mind kept firing awful thoughts at him and made him feel like the physical embodiment of frigid.

josh started up the rustbucket car. he overstayed his welcome in beautiful l.a., it was time to find a new town to fuck up. he'd probably follow a car with a midwest license plate and see where it got him. anywhere the wind takes him, as his dad used to say. like a dandelion, his mom would chime in.
like a dandelion, josh agreed. sprout and grow in a new and foreign land, until his ugly head gave off seed and corrupt the virgin land.

tyler opened the door to the greyhound bus station. he overstayed his welcome with the josephs, it was time to find a different life to fuck up. he's taking the next bus no matter where it's going, probably to some obscure place in the midwest. anywhere the wind takes him, he'd say. like a dandelion like his parents- no, the josephs, would say.
like a dandelion, tyler agreed. sprout and grow in a place that didn't want him, until his bright and rotten head gave off seed and destroyed everything the place once loved and corrupted all it had.

the purr and growls of josh's sedan was music to his ears. the freeway was a familiar home to him, his way of life for the past five years, since he dropped out of highschool and took off when he got his license. he's been across the country about five times now, stayed in hundreds of different cities, and ruined countless lives. like an invasive species, killing what was once good and replacing it with his form of chaos.

the footsteps and sighs of brakes of the bus was music to tyler's ears. no longer would the josephs' be his home, their abuse becoming a way of life for the past five years, when they found his leather journal given to him by a boy who was just a memory now, and ruined their lives like a weed; filth growing in a garden of purity.

josh and tyler both remembered the summer days when they were children, running in the backyards of their suburban homes, picking the flowers of the yellow weeds.
and popping dandelion heads.

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