Husband comes home from jummah prayer, he greets his wife and lift her up and he than carry her around the house with a smile.
The wife is so surprised & she asked
"Did the imam speaks about being romantic today???Husband says no!!
"He said we must carry our burdens and sorrows with a smile"
Lady:my husband just swallowed a pharacetmal by accident what shall I do????
Docter: Give him a head ache now !!!
Why waste a medicine!!!*^▁^* *^O^*
Asalamu alaikum readers,
jokes for u all
Lol wifes are not burden 🙅😡
How is pic above ☝☝☝👆
Enjoy reading
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cute Love 💕
De Todoبسم ا للة ........... "I mention your name to Allah begging him to take care of you" Asalamu alaikum....readers Quotes,lines,stories,&jokes about love,wife&husband&family ❤❤❤❤❤ Do read&enjoy ^^^vote^^^^ ...