If somebody is 3 feet away from you. Why wouldn't you just say something to their face? Why? Why are you talking then.
If I'm sitting 3 feet away from you and you're clearly talking shit? Why wouldn't you be able to say it to my face. If you're gonna talk shit, talk shit. Tell the person what the problem is though. Don't be a weenie.
Story time. So everyday in my second period. (Shout out @ 80% of y'all in my second period because that's you) these little weenies talk shit. Why? Because they're little punks who aren't bout that life. If you have a problem with someone just be an adult. Talk about it and move on. It's that simple
If you can't be an adult, you want to talk shit and you're like a foot away from them why not talk shit too them. Oh I know why because a lot of y'all hamster weak weenie looking females and males (males do it too) don't want to get your ass dragged across the world for talking shit.
So unless you have a legitimate problem...don't talk shit. 99% of y'all gotta be hyped up like some air headed sheep to talk shit anyways. Like you're not even about that life. If you can't back up what your saying sit the fuck down. Nobody cares. Don't cause yourself to get dragged and beat up caused its embarrassing
Furthermore why are you talking shit? Why are you so concerned about what someone else does in life? Don't you have an education to be getting? Don't you have a dick to be sucking or something? Do you have a family go worry about them. Why are you so upset about somebody else?
Worry about yourself. Better yourself. Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Motivate yourself to do something more productive. Work on yourself. Basically clean your own house before you help somebody else's with theres. You're not perfect. Enjoy life more. Stop talking so much shit.
I'm out 👌✌🏻
Trash: Rants
RandomMe littearly ranting about people and things that piss me off. Welcome to the trash can kiddos. Enjoy. I'll probably put a different trash can in for each rant. Gotta add points for presentation and all.