People Who Fake Mental Illness

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A mental disorder such a bipolar disorder, depression, sucidal thoughts, anxiety,Schizophrenia and a couple others that are popularity thrown around are not cool.

It is not romantic that you have a mental disorder. Stop trying to romanticize mental illness.

Now I know not everybody fakes mental illness but a good majority of people do and it's disgusting. Having a mental illness is not cool. Ask anyone who actually has one.

Faking a mental illness will not keep your boyfriend or girlfriend into you. It not a cool special snowflake thing about yourself that you use for an excuse when you're trying to get attention .

You have so many other qualities about yourself as a unique human being that you can share about yourself. Maybe you like to draw or dance. Maybe you're really good at English or playing Call of Duty.  You don't have to make up a mental illness to get people to give you attention.

I'm not saying if you actually have one you can't tell people, it's not a bad thing to have a mental disorder but everyone knows exactly who I'm talking about when I say this. 

First off if you're going to fake a mental disorder maybe you should know about it in the first place.
Example: I know this girl who claims she has "Bipolar Disorder" and she had a doctor tell her that,  that's why she changes moods so fast. That's great and all but that's not what Bipolar Disorder is.

Bipolar Disorder is a chemical imbalance within the brain that causes you to have periods of times to have Manic moods for like a couple of weeks or days and then crash and then have Depressive periods where you feel like you can't get out of bed. Sometimes it can be really extreme and other times it can be mild.

No Doctor is going to tell you have Bipolar disorder and describe it like that. She would tell everybody that and that she was crazy and it was really annoying.

She also claimed to have depression,  OCD and she was having suicidal  thoughts when her boyfriend would threaten to break up with her.

It was so hard to listen to her make up dumb lies about herself. I wanted to scream at her so bad and call her out but I didn't.

When you make up lies like that you're discrediting anybody who has a mental illness.  People with mental illnesses should be able to speak about how they feel and not have some teenage angst bullshit person think it's trendy.

Like you know what's trendy? Those ugly fucking crocodile looking shoes called chocos not depression.

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