People I Hate in Highschool Part 1:

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I have exactly 5 minutes to get to class. I am trying to get to point A➖to point B. In my school we have this thing called a tardy sweep. So that means if you're even a second late to class, you are sent down to ISS (some people call it detention or BIR) processed like a criminal and if it's not your first offense you will remain in ISS for the remainder of the day.

So I'm a senior. I hate the high school that I'm at and I am trying to get my diploma, walk across the stage for my momma for graduation, for my best friend (shout out to you best friend 💕) and my boyfriend👑, and get the hell out to go to the nearest restaurant to eat. I am not trying to go to ISS and I'm certainly not trying to go to jail anymore.  Therefore if you could.....


That would be fantastic.

Why? Why do you feel the need to stop in the middle of a crowded ass hallway go scream at your best friend. Go talk to your crusty best friend on the left or right side of the hallway. Not in the middle, not in front of the staircase and certainly not in front of the teachers class room door.

Did your mom or dad not teach you any manners or anything? Did you fall on your head when you were a baby out a 4 story window. Please move.

Then you try to politely ask for them to move and they give you a stank ass attitude. Okay fuck you and Ima shove you out of my fucking way.

I'm sorry I'm not trying to go ISS and your conversation isn't that important. You're not that important. Move from the doorway. Stop standing in the middle of the hallway.

I don't care if you want to break the world record of how many tardies you have. Our current record for a single classmate is like 50 something. It's crazy.

I don't care if you don't care about your education. Good for you but I do so I'm going to kindly need you to move.

I just want to learn and leave in peace. That is all. So if you would kindly not stop in the middle of the hallway or in front of the door that would be amazing. Thank you.

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