Happy Union

52 3 1

Day Unknown

"Alice." I shook my head violently. the voices had been especially loud today. They hissed at me in other languages with a sound like rustling leaves. I was crumpled in the far corner of my cell out of sight of the observational windows. Without Cheshy to take of the straightjacket anymore, I lost feeling and use of my arms.

I had dispatched 3 nurses so far even without the use of my hands. I could hear then arguing through the door over who was coming in for mealtime and the particularly loud voice of the poor unfortunate soul who was to take on the task.

Cheshy hadn't come. I lost track over time and stopped counting at 40 days. That's when the voices started. At around 30 days I thought I had heard a voice.

"Alice. Derelinquas nos. Mirabili oblitus. Oblivionem. Alice. Oblitus lepus foramen. Oblitus LACESSO. Oblitus bruchus. Alice. Regina autem oblitus. ALICE."

"Cheshy? is that you?"

"Alice. Nec memor eris. Alice. Vestibulum quam sit animum subibat orbem nudiustertius. Alice."

The only concern able word was my name. "Alice. Alice. Alice!"

"What!" There was no change in the room to suggest any physical presence. "Where are you?" I got a hiss in reply. The voice was so quiet I could not tell whether it was a woman or a man. I stayed up all night to the same words.

"Vestibulum quam sit animum subibat orbem nudiustertius. Alice."


Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while and I have no excuse :) I know where the story is going but I'm workin on some details. I'm going to try to start writing two chapters ahead to cut down on the wait.


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