First I Love You- Part Three

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Every time you were with Hyuga, it was like you were with your best friend. It didn't matter what the two of you were doing, it was always fun! The conversation never stops, and if it does then the silence is welcomed.

Walking hand in hand one night on your way back home, Hyuga started talking about how your mom told him that out of his uniform, he has the style of an old man.

"I'm just saying, if I do have that type of style then it's just to get you ready for when we're old together," Hyuga said with a big smile on his face. He picked up your intertwined fingers and wrapped his arms around your shoulder, having your hand still in his and on your shoulder.

"Getting ready for when we're old together? Do you think you'll be around that long given your friends?" You laughed and squeezed his hand a little bit.

"Yeah, Izuki and Kiyoshi might get me killed in my thirties," he responded and shook his head. He kissed the side of your head and sighed. "I bet I could make the old man style look sexy."

"You really think so?" You broke out into a big smile and turned your face up towards his.

"Yeah, I bet you would love it. When we're both dressing like old people."

"When we're both dressing like old people?"

"Well, yeah. We're gonna grow old together." You looked down at the ground and smiled, blush going over your cheeks. "I love you, Dew Drop. We can grow old and dress like old people together."

"Looking forward to it, Fearless."


Let's just say that Kasamatsu has been looking for a good time to tell you that he loves you for over three months now. It was getting to the point where he was about to just give up and tell you the next time you two were stuffing fries down your throats.

The first time he tried, you two went out to a fancy restaurant, that ended with his sleeve catching on fire when he reached over to grab your hand and him in the hospital for minor burns on his arm.

The second time, the two of you were walking in the park by your house just enjoying the view. You two got to the little lake at the park and goose came running at you. Kasamatsu managed to get the animal away from you, but it took a good chunk out of his... back pocket.

The third time, you almost choked on a chicken nugget.

You get the picture, there was never a good time.

Your club activities normally ended around the time his basketball practice finished. He always takes a quick shower and changes before he meets up with you, though. He doesn't want to smell like 24 individual guys were grinding up on him to take his ball.

You were sitting on your usual bench outside the gymnasium waiting for Kasamatsu to come out. The only thing was that you couldn't sit still and you weren't reading a book/manga. Something was weighting down on you and you really needed to talk to Kasamatsu about it.

"Hey, beautiful," you heard from the left and saw him. His hair was still wet and he had the biggest smile on his face. Your heart melted and you smiled back. "You ready to go?" He adjusted his sports bag and reached out his hand for you to take.

You gently took his hand in yours and stood up, getting close to his face and kissing him. He kissed you back and moved his hand away from yours and cupped your cheek. The two of you got closer and he rested his forehead on yours. "I need to talk to you, my love."

He took a step back, never letting go of one of your hands. "What is it?"

Taking a deep breath, you looked at the ground and then back up at him. "It's just... there's never been a good time for me to tell you this."

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