Ch. 10

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1 month later, Wedding day

Nariah P.O.V.
Okay hopefully everything goes right. Sidney Yahree and Liyah came back down for the wedding. Magic and Jessica moved down here with the baby. Some people from the industry came. I just can't wait to marry the love of my life. Ive been cheesing all day Me'Kell and the guys stayed at our house. Us girls went over to Moms. I had just woken up. I went and washed my face showered and put on a facial mask. I went in the kitchen and saw everyone up and eating. Everyone had on their robes. Their silk robes were silver and had their initials in black cursive writing mine was gold and had bride on the back in cursive. My matron of honor was T. My dad was gonna give me away and Me'Kell's best man was Chris.

Unfortunately everyone couldn't be in the wedding we could only have one ring bearer one flower girl and 4 bridesmaids and grooms men including the Matron and best man. So the 4 boys was Chris, Ken, Dad, and Magic. My girls were Mom, T, Liyah and Keke cause Naomi said she wanted to do the dresses and stuff not actually be in the wedding. She was also gonna do all of our makeup and moms stylist did our hair. I took the whole day getting primped the wedding starts at 2 and ends at 4 then we leave out in order and drive the wedding car and I let Me'Kell pick so y'all pray for me and hope he don't pick nothing to flashy for a classy wedding. Then at 5 we gone meet up and all get dress at moms house meaning the whole family kinda like a family reunion. After that at 6:30 cause these people don't hurry and get dressed for nothing so we might not make it till 7 that's the reception. Then we leave and go to our honeymoon to Barbados. After I had gotten my nails did we headed out.

 After I had gotten my nails did we headed out

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Kendrick P.O.V.
I was going to get D. No we ain't together yet. We ain't even kissed but she know I have interests in her the more I know her the more that I understand how awesome she is. I'm taking her to Nariah's wedding so she can meet the family. I gotta get her to the venue so I can get dressed and Imma introduce her too the girls I knocked on her door but she wasn't there. I went around the back where she had a gardened back way and saw her. She looked beautiful as always and had tamed her hair in pin curls.

 She looked beautiful as always and had tamed her hair in pin curls

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