Chapter 20

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2 Months Later
T P.O.V.
Pregnancy is just no way to explain sometimes I love it sometimes I wanna just have the baby gone and out of me. Chris is making this good. Since Me'Kell is going back to rapping he been doing a lil more work so I see him less but he always make up for it. "Chris your about to leave?" I groaned waking up. "No I'm going to the kitchen to make you breakfast." He told me. I smiled softly. "Remember fry the bacon." I told him because when he makes it any other way he always burns it. He laughed. "Alright baby." He told me.

I know about the whole divorce thing I talked to Nariah and she said this was what she wanted but I had to also explain to her are you willing to sacrifice the marriage you had and all the years. Cause you have to think of both sides. I wasn't saying divorce him or don't I was saying just do what you believe will be the best. They also have to think of Kelly what's going to happen when their all apart. Hopefully my baby doesn't have to go through nothing like having me and Chris split or any parent dying or anything but I mean its life it hits you with shit you never expect. I sighed. I have a girl I'm currents 5 months. We decided on the name Teliyah Christiana.

Naomi P.O.V.

"Its too early you see how Nariah and them ended up

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"Its too early you see how Nariah and them ended up." I told him. He kept asking for a baby. "Your right but I can't help but want a little me around I guess when you play football you kind of want to get married and have kids faster cause it makes you grow up fast either that or live with the groupies around." Drew sighed. I nodded. "Well how about at 24? Well do you want marriage or a child first?" I asked him. He thought for a second. "I want us to get married at like 27 or 28 and then afterwards we can start the baby." He told me. I nodded. "Sounds good to me." I kissed his lips.

Me'Kell P.O.V.
Man I feel different without my baby I just been making songs lately my latest album just dropped its called The HeartBreak and yea its basically just about me and Nariah man. I never really see her anymore because I have to go over Nariah parents to pick up Kyah when its my turn. I can't do this anymore I ain't been sleeping, eating, or nothing. I just ain't been right. I gotta get my girl back man. I got up and just drove. I started thinking maybe she really wants this.

Nariah P.O.V.
I smiled over at Kyah as he painted with his hands. I have been experiencing some things I've been going out to different parties and I've been traveling to different states. I discovered different things of myself. In my heart I still love and miss Me'Kell so much though. I just dont know. I heard someone ring my door bell I went over and answered it. I was surprised when I seen Me'Kell because he didn't know my address. "Damn you lived this close too me." He laughed. I kept a straight face. "You signed the papers?" I asked. He made a thinking face.

"I've been thinking about that and if you really want that I will give it to you but you have to go on a date with me first if its uncomfortable and you hate it I'll sign the papers but if you find that same guy you saw when you met me please stay." He said and tears came clouding his eyes. I sighed. "That's the least I can do." I agreed. He smiled nodding and told me He would be back at 5.

At the time it was 3 I called my mom seeing if she could watch Kyah and she agreed. I put him down for his nap and then went and showered and I really hope we can at least be civil tonight. After getting out I oiled my body up and then started doing my makeup hair doing my bathroom routine and then I changed into my clothes. I got done at 25 minutes till 5. So I went and took Kyah over my moms before going back home. I drunk a glass of Vodka cause I'd need it for this.

Navaeh P

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Navaeh P.O.V.

"I think Me'Kell will change not only for Nariah but for the baby too

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"I think Me'Kell will change not only for Nariah but for the baby too." I told Kelly and Lez. "I believe they can but Nariah is on edge with that boy." Kelly said. I nodded it was true. "Aren't you glad were here happy now Nariah has to figure out her way to happiness." Lez said. I nodded. "I remember when you were gay." I laughed at the memory. "Oh I remember Dee." She brought up. "Yes that was like my best friend." I said and my voice broke a little. "I miss all of them Cam doesn't live here anymore, Trey and Dee are gone Magic just moved here but its like were living different lives but still are stuck in the moment from when we were younger." I said.

Nariah P.O.V
"Where are we going?" I asked him. He just chuckled and continued driving. We stopped at a building. We went up and onto the roof. It had a pretty view and everything was set up nice we ate and held a civil conversation. "I just want you to know I agree with you you know experiencing stuff I want to do the same that's how much of a great idea this is. But I want us to have experiences with each other." He explained. I nodded. "I can understand that but I had to hurt so much for us to get here." I told him. He nodded. After eating we went back down and he looked over at a guy about to get on a motorcycle. "Hey I've got 3 thousand if you let us get your motorcycle and you can have the keys to that Bentley." He said waving the keys the man nodded and Me'Kell pulled out money and gave him the keys. "Ive had that for 2 years anyway." He shrugged. "Do you even know how to ride?" I asked him. He nodded. I sighed and took a deep breath before getting on. We drove off to a beach dock. He started striping to his boxers. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him. He laughed. "Come on were gonna get in." He then cannon balled into the,water. I sighed before stripping out and jumping in also. The water was so cold and I knew we most likely would be sick tomorrow. I saw a sharp fin from a little distance away. "Me'Kell are there sharks out her" I asked. "Oh shit get out let's go." He told me I started swimming back to the dock quickly when we got off we walked up to the Hollywood sign. "How do you feel about your body?" He asked. "I believe its okay." I shrugged. "Strip." He told me. "What? This is the Holly wood sign it over looks alot of places people will see." I told him. "If you wanna exeperience shit you can't have limits." He said. I thought for a second before striping. I felt like I had him by my side supporting me since this was what I wanted to do. "This is illegal nudity you are being asked to leave before I call the police." I heard. I gasped before we ran off. We made it back to my house and showered changing. "I dont want you to sign the papers . I love you to much but if you do anything you did in the past hurting me I will not hesitate to leave." I told him. I guess it was just Hard To Say Goodbye.

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