Ch. 13

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Nariah P.O.V.
I sighed. I felt like I was gonna regret saying yes. We drove to Scoop. He knew that this was one of my favorite ice cream places. We got seated and Kyah was ready to go get ice cream. We told him to stay near us and he went on. "Nariah, can we talk?" He asked. I looked up and rolled my eyes a little. "We already are." I said simply. He sighed. "I'm sorry baby about what I did but I promise I won't do it no more I love you to much to let you go please don't leave me." He looked at me with pleaded eyes. See normally I would fall right into his little act but not anymore.

"No you don't get to talk to me like you only cheated once. You don't get to act like I'm just your girlfriend. I'm your fucking wife! I had your kid." I slammed my fist on the table. "So no we're separated the way you act for this break will determine whether or not I really will believe you've change. Until then me and you can Co-parent, I won't keep you away from your son." I told him. He clenched his teeth. "I just want you back everybody in my life leaves me-" "Hell nawl don't use the guilt shit just let us be civil." I told him as Kyah came back. I went and got a chocolate Oreo ice cream dripped in chocolate.

After we ate we decided Kyah could go with him. So he drove me back to my moms. I'm thinking about getting my own house just in case things may be a little long. "Mom you think you can hook me up with your realtor?" I asked. "Yea I'll go get her info later but come her Nariah were thinking of a family vaca to the Bahamas." She said to me. "Seems interesting I'm sure we haven't been there yet." I thought. "I have me and your father and Ken you were there but you weren't born." She said. "Wow you had to rub it in my face." I said faking to be hurt.

Dezyria P.O.V.
"Taylorrrr." I sung bothering him. "Deeeee." He did the same. "Suck my balls." I squinted my eyes at him. "Only if you season them with hot sauce." He kissed the air. I burst out laughing. "We're you bust in the Duke in jail?!" I yelled. He twisted his face. "Hell no me and Nate let them niggas know we wasn't with that Cock on Cock thing." He said. I laughed. Just then the door bell rang. I hurried to the door and opened it to find Kendrick. "Hey boo." I kissed his cheek. He smirked. "Hey baby." He said coming in. "Um Taylor." I called for his attention he looked up and his eyes landed on Kendrick. "Taylor this is Kendrick my boyfriend and Kendrick this is Taylor my big brother." I greeted them. Taylor stood. "Wassup man heard good things bout you in the county. Yo you like a legend." He dipped Kendrick. "Damn I thought I was gone go through hard shit. Wassup man." Kendrick made me laugh. Taylor laughed. "I already know Nate broke it down plus I know if anything happen to her she gone tell me first and Imma raise hell." He said simply. I smiled at them being all united and friendly. They talked about football and shit and I just listened. I was interested with this stuff me and him talk about it all the time. I looked at message from Naomi. "I'm going shopping with Naomi." I told Kendrick. He nodded. "Tell her I said hey." He said simply before I walked out.

"So the game was great." Naomi said as walked through H&M. "Yes we could go to championships." I explained. She nodded. "Yea but the boys sleeping out tomorrow and us girls were thinking a girls day at my moms. What do you say?" She asked. "Sure." I replied. We continued shopping.

The Next Day.....
Drew P.O.V.

"You know it's 8

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"You know it's 8. Aren't you supposed to be meeting with the guys?" Naomi asked over the phone. "Well damn you tryna get me away from home that bad?" I asked. "It's not that just you barely go out and I want you to have fun sometimes." She explained. I nodded as if she could see me. "Alright you got it I'm gone." I said before we said goodbye and hung up. I grabbed my keys and left out the door.

Naomi P.O.V.

Before the girls thing at moms I had to turn in my dress

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Before the girls thing at moms I had to turn in my dress. I walked in feeling confident I had decided to wear my dress to show him how it looks on someone. I knocked on the door. My teacher had never let up on me. I walked in and he looked astonished."I see you turned in your work early." He still managed to make bitch words come out his mouth. He put a grade in the computer and escorted me out.

Me'Kell P.O.V.
"Hey." I smiled seeing Nariah. I miss her so much. "Hey. Is he ready?" She asked not showing much eye contact. "Yea, Nariah how long do you think this is going to be?" I asked. She shook her head. "That depends on you, your the reason we in this position cause I can't keep being emotionally abused in this relationship. Get your shit together and then we'll get back together. Just in case it takes a while which most likely it will I've been looking at places around this area." She told me. I instantly felt mad but I'm trying to change I clenched my fist hoping she wouldn't notice I went and got Kyah. She grabbed him and left out.

Dezyria P.O.V.
"We've started back looking for Deanthony." Taylor told me. I rolled my eyes. "Why? He left us he ain't looking for us. He left his whole family for some hoe. Y'all should just leave the nigga where he is." I sucked my teeth. They shook their head. "We family baby Dee we can't do that plus momma gotta talk to all of us together. Even Tony agreed to come." He explained. I scoffed. "He coming to see the people he never had time for the people he abandoned, felt better then, for me to be the girl y'all really acting like some bitches what y'all taught don't need shit in the world but yaself cause that's all you'll ever have so miss me with the bullshit we will be fine with out him." I rolled my eyes. They can deal with the bullshit but I won't I walked out of the room.

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