1: Movie Night

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Once a week my best friend, Min Yoongi, and I get together for movie night. Usually we pick the movie together, but this week I decided to let him decide. I was curious to see what type of movie he would watch without hearing my opinion.

Yoongi would be here in soon, but I decided I should probably shower first. My boyfriend had recently broken up with me and it had really taken a toll on me. I lost all motivation to take care of myself, but didn't want it to get bad enough for Yoongi to start worrying. That was the last thing I wanted.

I stood in the shower just letting the water hit me. I don't know how long I was in there. Soon I heard banging on the bathroom door. "Tell me you didn't forget about movie night!"

I turned off the water and stepped out. "I didn't forget... I just needed a shower." I dried myself off and tied the towel around my body. I opened the door and saw Yoongi standing there. "What kind of movie is it this week?" My hair was still dripping water onto my shoulders.

Yoongi stared at me for a moment before giving his answer. "Oh... uh... it's a thriller. It's about a couple that moves to this town... and um... uh sorry. You'll figure it out when we start it. Maybe you should get dressed first." I nodded and went to my room to put on some clothes.

I had no problem standing in front of Yoongi in a towel. He's been my best friend for years so we were extremely comfortable around each other. I think I had even taken him with me when I went bra shopping once when I was looking for something for my boyfriend's birthday. Yoongi had always been there for me no matter what it was.

I put on a thin tank top and some shorts. Since it was summer my apartment was always extremely hot. I towel dried my hair a bit and went back to the living room. He had already got popcorn and the movie was at the title screen. I sat next to him and snuggled up close. "Alright let's get this movie started." I took the popcorn from him and laid my head on his shoulder. "Thanks for coming over."

He put his arm over the back of the couch and pressed play. "I would never miss movie night." Him being here really meant a lot to me.

We sat in silence for most of the movie. It wasn't really as interesting as I would've hoped. I actually got kinda bored so I pulled out my phone and started reading. Yes, I'll admit it was a little rude, but I had lost all interest in the movie at this point and one of my favorite fanfics had just been updated so can you blame me?

The chapter was really good. I read until I got down to some smut. The chapter was so good and I really didn't want to stop reading, but Yoongi had no idea that I read this kind of stuff. I kind of wanted it to keep it that way. It was embarrassing.

Everything would've been fine if I had just sat still. I was uncomfortable so I really couldn't help it. "Are you seriously reading instead of enjoying movie night with me?" My face started burning. He tried to look over at the screen of my phone, but I hid it from him. "What are you reading?"

"It's nothing!" I moved away from him a little bit. He moved closer to me and reached for my phone. "No! Yoongi stop!" I held my phone away from him.

He reached across me and tried to take it again. "Then show me what you're reading!" I rolled into my back and held my phone over my head still trying to read. Yoongi leaned over me and grabbed it from my hands.

"NO! GIVE IT BACK!" I tried to sit up but he pushed me down again with one hand while reading with the other. "YOONGI! DO NOT READ THAT!"

I saw the smile on his face start to fade as he read on. "You actually like to read this stuff?" I blushed and covered my face with my hands. "You like this kind of thing?" He kept reading. He looked away from my phone and down at me.

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