2: Blind Date

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I sat down at a table near the middle of the restaurant. It was beautiful, a little expensive for my taste, but beautiful nonetheless. I held a red rose in my left hand while I waited for my date to arrive.

The idea of going on a blind date never would've crossed my mind if my sister hadn't been pushing me to get out more. I just had a hard time finding anyone I was compatible with. All of my siblings were married or in some sort of relationship. My mother would ask me constantly about if I was seeing anyone and had at one point tried to set me up with her friend's son. He was a nice guy, but I didn't feel anything for him.

As time passed I started to feel disappointed when the seat in front of me was still empty. From what my sister had told me, this guy was different from the others I had been with. I was actually excited about meeting him.

The waiter made his way back to my table for probably the third time since I had arrived. "Would you like to see a menu now? Or maybe I could get you a glass of wine?" I could hear in his voice that he felt bad for me. I had been waiting for almost half an hour for this guy to show.

"Oh... uh no thank you. I think I'll wait a little longer." I looked down at the rose in my hand and sighed. The waiter nodded and made his rounds to the surrounding tables.

I didn't want to accept the fact that I had probably been stood up. I almost felt like crying, but why? I didn't know the guy. If we saw each other anywhere else we would never know it. Why did it matter to me?

I put the rose on the table and pulled out my phone to text my sister. My hands were shaking and I felt my face getting hot meaning I would soon be crying.

To: Sis💕
I don't think he's going to come. I've been waiting here for so long I can feel people staring at me. Maybe I should just go home...

She answered almost immediately. Obviously she had been waiting for me to tell her how things were going.

From: Sis💕
Nooo! Maybe he's just running late. I'll call him and ask him what's going on!

To: Sis💕
Do not do that! That's so embarrassing I'll just go home. It's fine.

As soon as I sent the text I heard a man ask a waitress if she had seen a girl with a red rose anywhere. He sounded out of breath. I looked up and met eyes with him. He had black hair that complimented his skin tone very well. He wore black slacks, a white shirt, and a black blazer. In his hand he held a red rose.

The waitress's face lit up as she pointed in my direction. Did the whole damn restaurant know about me sitting here for so long? He smiled at her then walked over to my table.

"Hi. I'm Min Yoongi... I'm so sorry I was so late. I feel terrible." I studied his expression. At least he looked like he meant those words.

"It's alright. I'm _____." He smiled and scanned his eyes over me. He was really handsome. I cleared my throat bringing his eyes back up mine. "So uh... did something come up... or did you forget?" He chuckled a little at the end of the question to make it seem like I was kidding. I was actually curious to know if he cared about this date or not.

His smile faded a little. "I don't forget. I've actually been looking forward to this for a while. I have a really tight work schedule so I don't have much time to go out and do things like this very often. Something came up at work and I had to stay a little late... I tried to get here as fast as I could." I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile to let him know it was alright. He looked more nervous than I did.

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